Example sentences of "would see [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I can remember when you 'd see a cloud of dust , perhaps it 'll be a mile away and this would be a flock of sheep .
2 I must admit I never thought I 'd see a tramp like that one falling in love with such a good woman as yourself ’ .
3 ‘ I just remembered — we promised Anna we 'd see the piazza by moonlight . ’
4 If George Orwell were to return to Sheffield today he 'd see the metamorphosis from spacious if spartan semi-detached suburbias to dense tower blocks .
5 I would see no change to the exiting
6 Either way , they would see no increase in their direct taxes under Labour , provided they do not work for a living .
7 I would see no difficulty in adjusting the contract before exchange in that way .
8 Clever western diplomacy could try to make him appear less heroic , by keeping the linkage vague , but then — unless he has belatedly realised the hopelessness of his position — he would see no benefit in it .
9 At the end of the case people would see a bit of film of the child sitting on the drawing-room sofa between his parents who never took their eyes from him during the interview .
10 The new year would see a disintegration of the unanimity of the DCAC 's supporters ; the committee had grave doubts about the wisdom of the PD march from Belfast to Derry , although it arranged material support and a welcoming rally for the marchers .
11 On increasing income tax , he said : ‘ One would see a change in that with the utmost regret .
12 It was an unprecedented sum for a solo album by a drummer , but Draper told his doubting colleagues that he was confident Virgin would see a return on its investment .
13 In a Parliamentary debate on wages councils Ms Eagle claimed that their abolition would see a return to poverty pay .
14 There was a fear that as such centres were validated , local colleges would see a reduction in the number of students which they would otherwise have expected to attract .
15 IF WILLIAM CAXTON , the father of British printing , were to come back to life after 500 years in the grave , he would see a lot of changes .
16 It was likely that both the leading magnates and the commons in parliament would see a war on behalf of the disinherited as merely a factional struggle in which neither the honour nor the safety of the community was at stake , and which therefore did not merit support .
17 Semantically these quotations must appear curious to the modern reader , who would see a contradiction of terms in the notion of virtuous prejudice and who would expect the thwarting of prejudices to be a matter for praise not blame .
18 A month or so ago I sat in an excessively warm room listening to a gentleman from Intel 's processor division telling the invited audience of dealers and journalists that 1992 would see a boom in 486 sales similar to the boom in 386 bought about by Windows .
19 Sure , these instruments would be bought only by committed musicians who would see the price as the cost of entry to the type of quality they need .
20 MARY SPENCER — Mary = marry , so I would see the lady as a bride coming out of a well-known High Street shop which has somehow been cut cleanly in half .
21 Chairman as a former supporter of fox hounds I have to say I am no longer a supporter of fox hounds , I would see the law of this land used to ban hunting with hounds and I support the motion .
22 He would see the landscape in all its moods throughout the year , walking on the fells and round the lakes , walking between Ambleside and Keswick to his exhibition rooms there .
23 She had thought that , difficult as her father was , he would see the reasonableness of her ambitions and send her to London with some sort of blessing .
24 And you would see the case of er er J , head shunter , protests at being superseded for yard foreman 's job at .
25 When he turned round , he would see the shower of blessing , receive the quickening power .
26 Next year would see the dawn of the twentieth century .
27 I 'll be very , very brief erm we can not fall back the control of the country which even the highest rate of recycling that a number of them have already achieved the Government recycling target so now you 've aimed er , I think it 's something rich it more or less stands for er , I would see the role of the County is essentially is co-ordination between the various waste collection authorities through to the greater of the extense of
28 Mosley further explained that 1994 would see the introduction of a ban on all the electronic technological devices which helped to sweep Nigel Mansell and the Canon Williams Renault team to the championship last year .
29 After 20 years , new generations would see the repeat of the cycle .
30 The other interpretation would see the emergence of fairness as having a broader implication .
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