Example sentences of "would lead [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Proper heading , quality logo paper , hook , statistics , something which would lead into the thing , more friendly language , it was very bureaucratic , was n't it , in a sense ?
2 Activities that would lead towards the objective of writing a short story might be , ‘ clear the spare room out and set up a desk ’ , ‘ enrol on a weekend workshop on creative writing ’ , ‘ set aside the next four Sunday afternoons for writing ’ , ‘ arrange to visit a friend in six weeks ’ time with a completed first draft' .
3 Egyptian insistence on this position would lead to a withdrawal of Israeli participation , given the refusal of the Prime Minister , Mr Yitzhak Shamir , to deal directly with the PLO .
4 Egyptian insistence on this position would lead to a withdrawal of Israeli participation , given the refusal of the Prime Minister , Mr Yitzhak Shamir , to deal directly with the PLO .
5 During the inter-war period what trade union support there was for family allowances ( generally it was feared that allowances would lead to a wholesale reduction in wages and reduce the bargaining power of male workers ) , was based on the hope that they would lead to a withdrawal of married women from the workforce .
6 While he was sure yesterday 's tragedy would lead to a call for a review of the council 's policy , he was uncertain whether it would change .
7 President Gorbachev and other Politburo members have angrily , and at times desperately , appealed against such a move , for fear it would lead to a breakup of the Soviet Communist Party and , ultimately , of the Soviet Union .
8 The independence referendum had provoked warnings from Gorbachev that it would lead to a breakup of the Union and hence disaster .
9 A Gallup Poll in March 1960 showed that 78% of those questioned favoured the death penalty , with 73% believing that complete abolition would lead to a rise in the number of murders .
10 On Feb. 5 Prime Minister Theodor Stoloyan met representatives of the National Advisory Council of Trade Unions and the Employers ' Association to discuss a collective labour agreement , but a government spokesman described their talks ( which had begun in January ) as deadlocked ; the government claimed that a minimum monthly wage of 24,000 lei ( US$1.00=194.967 lei as at Feb. 3 , 1992 ) , as demanded by the trade unions , would lead to a rise in the number of unemployed from 700,000 to 2,550,000 .
11 The North Korean Interim People 's Committee ( NKIPC ) developed in February 1946 as a reaction to the trend of events in the south ; it was meant to assist in the process that would lead to a government for the whole of Korea .
12 They should start with the mystery of the Church , its self-understanding as the sacrament of Christ in the world ; this would lead to a consideration of ‘ roles ’ in the Church-bishop , priest , layperson , religious , etc .
13 Mary McIntosh would support such changes ; writing about the process of achieving socialist social policy , she argues that economic individualism would lead to a unity of working-class men and women :
14 Moi was opposed to a pluralist political system , on the grounds that it would lead to a resurgence of intertribal conflict .
15 The only dissenting voice in the Committee over its central recommendations with regard to homosexuality was that of James Adair who , in his minority report , argued that the implementation of the major recommendation would lead to a weakening of the criminal law .
16 Stirling finished by saying that this would be the maximum expansion he envisaged , as any further growth would lead to a lowering of standards .
17 While Mr Forte had reservations about the lengthy name of the congress , he hoped it would lead to a structure which should enable the industry to speak with a single voice on many issues .
18 ‘ There are those who would say it is n't in the public interest and would lead to a diminution in standards of pleading .
19 The Albanian protesters were claiming that constitutional changes introduced by the Serbian authorities in 1988-89 would lead to a diminution of Albanian influence , and to a growth of aggressive pro-Serbian policies .
20 For example , a search for " women and their fight in society " would lead to a message to the effect that there is no book described by all the words of the search , but the system would nevertheless retrieve four items ( in the PCL catalogue ) , the first of which is titled Hidden from history : 300 years of women 's oppression and the fight against it .
21 Very few , if any , anticipated in 1976 that the period 1976–88 would lead to a radical rethinking about both the content and the control of the school curriculum and of the relationship between central government and the local education authorities .
22 This would lead to a fall in the money wage and so restore full employment .
23 We ignore those which can not be made basic ( no positive pivot ) or whose introduction into the basis would lead to a tableau already on our list .
24 The electricians were expelled from the TUC in 1988 and a positive vote from the new union would lead to a reunification of the British trade union movement .
25 It would be reasonable to expect that the extension and development of community psychiatric services would lead to a reduction in the rate of suicide and attempted suicide , but there is little evidence that this is so .
26 Calculations , again by the House of Commons Library , suggest that such an increase would lead to a reduction of families drawing means-tested supplementary benefit , and family credit .
27 It does not believe that blanket measures to reduce overall consumption , for example higher taxes or restrictions on availability , would lead to a reduction in alcohol misuse .
28 In these circumstances the increase in output made possible by the CU would lead to a reduction in the unit cost of production .
29 Strict enforcement of speed limits on motorways and other main roads in Britain would lead to a reduction in fuel consumption which would in turn reduce the country 's pollution problems , according to the environmental consultancy Earth Resources Research .
30 A spokesman for City Sites said that it did not envisage that the sale would lead to a reduction in rental income over the year .
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