Example sentences of "would [adv] see [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Maybe she 'd rather see her friend first , even if she had to cry after , ’ Nick said .
2 I 'd rather see our dog kill our Brian !
3 ‘ Then you 'd probably see your way clear to getting me a bottle of Scotch instead . ’
4 He 'd never see his homeland again ; never see parents , sister … ’
5 Always start ‘ Tall , good-looking Mary Smith , as she stepped out of her cottage that morning , did not realize she would not see her children until the following , three months later .
6 The obvious corollary of this is that less qualified ambulance workers , who are largely engaged in driving non-urgent cases , would not see their earnings rise by so much .
7 Parents would not see their children for most of the day , and when they finished their daily work they would be too tired for much except rest .
8 He would not see his bride before the wedding night so all sorts of pictures could float in the mind .
9 But Birch is a modest man , despite his immodest ideas , and would not see his book as any more than a starter .
10 She gave her letter to the postman with a heavy heart , wondering if she would ever see her sister again .
11 It was the first time she had left little Bradley , the first time she had been out to celebrate his birth — and it was the last time he would ever see his mother again .
12 She looked away so that Trent would n't see her misery : ‘ He told me not to tell anyone . ’
13 Not a black day when she would n't see her father at all , but not a yellow day like Sunday , when , unless on call , he might be there most of the time .
14 She kept her eyes downcast so that he would n't see its telltale signs , and sullenly dressed while he continued to pace up and down , probably trying to release some energy .
15 She 'd thought he was going to turn his back on Timothy Gedge and on herself and run into the house so that they would n't see his tears .
16 Joan would indeed see her prince again and be very close — and she herself had , as she said , felt it in her bones , God help them all !
17 More than three hundred children and women have been evacuated from Sarajevo amid fears they would never see their families again .
18 Even if the rules were obeyed , the system was clearly oppressive both to the families whose best sons were torn from them and to the young boys who would never see their parents again .
19 They would never see their parents in quite the same way again , and ironically it was apt that they should not , because Timothy Gedge had not told lies entirely .
20 Many cooperated with an uneasy feeling that the clients would never see their money again .
21 Although she quickly did all the right things : alerting the police , the coastguard and Dr Forman , Harriet Tremayne knew that she would never see her daughter again .
22 About the time he started work he became obsessed that he would never see his parents again ; he feared that they were already dead .
23 The other soldier explained that his friend had intimations that he would never see his wife and child again .
24 The wise hermit of the dale , the Seer of Carbaby , warned the giant that if he carried out his threat he would never see his castle again alive or dead .
25 He did say before he went that I would never see my son again .
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