Example sentences of "will help [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A group of Russian teenagers are studying at the Abbey International College ; they 'll help to show the orphans around :
2 He hopes they 'll help to catch the robber .
3 The magisterial pronouncement of Sir George Macdonald on the Antonine Wall has now been overthrown by the brilliant study of the samian by Brian Hartley ( 1972 ) , and the work at Carpow and other Severan sites will help to stabilize the dating of the pottery of this period , so with more revisions and adjustments , we may eventually have a framework which will endure , but only possible since all the groundwork had been so carefully prepared .
4 We want you to get the very best out of your stay abroad , and a quick read through this section will help to smooth the way
5 The maintenance ( or planting ) of a partial tree cover will help to conserve the soil resource by maintaining the organic components via litter supply ; soil cohesiveness will thus be improved which , together with the wind- and water-break effect of trees , will reduce soil erosion .
6 The ongoing vigorous policy of offering paddock admission ( £7 per head ) at £10 per couple and Club enclosure facilities ( £12 individually , but £20 for couples ) , plus various theme days and a draw for a gallon of whisky at each fixture , will help to continue the success story .
7 A few facts about her will help to clarify the position .
8 I hope that my further work and the work of others around the world will help to clarify the advantages of the fifty millesimal potencies over the centesimal potencies .
9 Perhaps these examples will help to clarify the extent to which the Government amendment goes .
10 It will help to clarify the confusion a little if some of the tendencies at work in these centuries are noted .
11 A careful strategic analysis as described in chapter 4 will help to lessen the disadvantages of using leading indicators .
12 Knowledge of how schools perform will help to improve the choice of parents .
13 We hope it will help to illuminate the problems the designer faces in trying to promote such changes by introducing new material .
14 Some additional material is injected into S3 and S4 which will help to take the rush out of the new Revised Higher Grade in S5 and S6 .
15 This action will help to push the prices up even more .
16 An examination of the wide range of people involved , of the many different roles they play and of their varying involvement in or distance from the policy-making process will help to stress the importance of giving attention to implementation and to introduce the more theoretical discussion that is to follow .
17 Supervised by Rover apprentices , the pupils ripped out an old lecture theatre and are in the process of replacing it with a multi-purpose room which , it is hoped , will help to bridge the gulf between industry and education .
18 If your source-machine has an edit switch , use of this will help to optimise the video signal for transfer and reduce the copying losses .
19 Conservationists say the birth of Freckles the duckling will help to publicise the battle to save wetlands .
20 The following cases will help to illustrate the variety of uses recognised by the courts —
21 These few typical examples will help to illustrate the role that radio — and , to some extent , television — play in some Lusaka homes :
22 In moderation , however , plenty of regular exercise will help to decrease the dog 's destructive instincts around the home , as well as being essential for the smooth working of its cardiovascular system .
23 Any interaction between chains in the crystal lattice will help to hold the structure together more firmly and raise the melting temperature .
24 A few introductory words on the rules of English law will help to set the scene .
25 It is hoped that the following chapters , contributed by an international team of acknowledged experts in their own field of scholarship , will help to counter the peripheralization from which Siberian historiography has partly suffered in the west , will illuminate and underline both the importance and the fascination of Siberia 's role in Russian history , and also act as a stimulus to further research and publication in this relatively neglected area .
26 Returned water splashing onto the pond 's surface will help to oxygenate the pond , giving you an extra benefit from your filter .
27 Thus no amount of gesturing will help to explain the references of " Shakespeare " or " Julius Caesar " or " Socrates " .
28 Comments on the meaning of this construction bring out an interesting contrast between the infinitive and a that-clause , which will help to explain the use of to before the infinitive here .
29 This project will gather information that will help to explain the decline in applications to study Arabic and assist departments in their undergraduate admissions policies .
30 Use of the Collagen Programme will help to combat the effects of skin hydration and the resultant wrinkles and sagging .
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