Example sentences of "will ensure that [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In particular , the Kitchen herbs are liable not to be used unless they are very close to hand for the cook ; in the rush of making up food amongst all the other demands being made at the same time , a trough or window-box of herbs on the Kitchen windowsill or just outside the backdoor will ensure that culinary herbs are used daily .
2 The Bill 's tough capping measures will ensure that Labour councils will be unable to pursue the profligate spending that they managed in the past , and that they will be controlled .
3 The Careers Service has considerable expertise and experience of local firms ; it will ensure that all offers are made in good faith , and that the jobs are worthwhile .
4 The Scheme will ensure that all solicitors ' representatives who give police station advice do so to an agreed standard of competence .
5 the new computerised call and recall system will ensure that all women in this age group are offered a test at least one every five years .
6 We will ensure that all tiers of regional and local government publish a ‘ Charter of Services ’ , giving citizens clear rights to standards of service , and remedies if these are not met .
7 A Rail Regulator will ensure that all companies have fair access to the track and will make sure that those who win the franchises honour the terms of their contract .
8 A new Rail Regulator — who will ensure that all companies have fair access to the track — will award the franchises and make sure that the franchisees honour the terms of the contract .
9 A national in-service training programme will ensure that all teachers are fully qualified in the subject they are teaching .
10 The cashier will ensure that all valuables in the safe or in a safety deposit box are collected by the guest and a signed receipt obtained .
11 We will ensure that all parts of government adopt a strategic approach to the employment and development of women staff .
12 The whole-school approach implies that ALL staff will ensure that all pupils with special needs are identified and provided for .
13 Their objective is , in many respects , similar to that of Alfred Marshall some eighty years earlier , namely to graft a theory of the cycle on to a theory of value which asserts that , in a competitive economy , the interaction between the forces of supply and demand will ensure that all markets clear .
14 We will ensure that all schools teach the same basic subjects .
15 We will ensure that all children have their memories for each of the foundation subjects tested at the ages of seven , 11 , 13 and 16 .
16 Less-damaging coolants than CFCs are being developed , and an international agreement signed in June 1990 will ensure that all CFCs are progressively phased out over the next few years .
17 Regular visits from LCCI verifiers will ensure that consistent standards are maintained .
18 The only variation is between those who say the provenance of the wastes is irrelevant , and those who argue that imports of PCBs and other hazardous material should be discourged , because only a tough import policy will ensure that other countries build their own plants .
19 An agreement to refer an issue to an expert need not be in writing , but modern commercial practice will ensure that oral agreements for expert determination are most unlikely .
20 As for rule 2.12. ( 1 ) , Mr. Beloff submits that this supports his submission , not that of Mr. Collins , since what it does is to provide that the Norwich Union must have rules which will ensure that appointed representatives such as Winchester comply with the Lautro Rules .
21 Whenever possible , we will ensure that future privatisations offer opportunities to employees to secure a stake in the ownership of their business .
22 The Trusts , with their concern for public access and amenity , and increasingly for conservation-conscious farming and forestry , as well as for the protection of wildlife , will ensure that large areas of land are maintained to high standards of conservation .
23 As this is being written ( in 1985 ) , the publicity given to the case of Jasmine Beckford , who died after she was returned from public care to her parents ' care , will ensure that social workers will once again be reminded of the need to respond to the apparently contradictory demands of society both to intervene effectively and to respect family autonomy .
24 The moves to increase child benefit , which have already been discussed , will ensure that most households with children are not faced with this option .
25 We will ensure that unfair terms are excluded and will discourage investment to protect in-house services when better , more cost effective services are available through the private sector .
26 We will ensure that British values are paramount .
27 This Government will ensure that discriminatory taxes are not imposed on that industry by our friends in Europe , because it is a vital British interest .
28 We will ensure that commercial borrowers are entitled to a full contract specifying the terms , conditions and duration of the services provided .
29 Just to reassure you that a sensible eating plan will ensure that adequate nutrients are derived from the food , here is a brief outline of the topic .
30 If the Minister believes that education in nursing is a vital investment in the profession and the nation , she will ensure that those funds remain for education only and will strengthen the Government 's commitment to ring fencing .
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