Example sentences of "which was based [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The pub has a bar commemorating No 10 Squadron , which was based at the aerodrome .
2 Yet the above ballets are different again from de Valois ' The Rake 's Progress , which was based on the reality of Hogarth 's pictures .
3 When Husayn ceded sovereignty over the West Bank in July 1988 , UNLU publicly warned the leadership ‘ the PLO outside the occupied territories should not ‘ fill the gap ’ left by Jordan by duplicating its work , which was based on the principle of patronage through corruption .
4 In the late nineteenth century Sinhalese élites invented a racial consciousness which was based on the assumption that all who spoke Sinhala were of Aryan origin .
5 It was used until about 1500 , when it was superseded by Modern English , which was based on the dialect of the East Midlands used by Chaucer .
6 The latter was done on an old cooker which was based on the storage principle .
7 In the first part , they established a definition of poverty which was based on the judgements of the respondents to the survey .
8 The first ten years of the Peloponnesian War , to which we now turn , were to show that he did not , and that Periclean democracy — which was based on the power of money ( ‘ hail in due apportionment of wealth ’ say the chorus of Aeschylus ' Eumenides to Athens , line 996 ) and on the admiration of that power — was more precarious than Pericles had allowed .
9 The second theme was the adoption of a ‘ just deserts ’ approach based on the principle of proportional punishment as the primary aim of sentencing , though this was qualified in respect of certain types of offence by the third theme which was based on the retention of the now-familiar bifurcatory or twin-track approach to sentencing .
10 A reading of the Act of 1968 , which was based on the draft Bill annexed to the report , leads me to the conclusion that , when using the very words of the draft , Parliament intended to implement the committee 's thinking .
11 They were allocated randomly to receive supportive care plus chemotherapy ( arm A ) or supportive care only ( arm B ) in the ratio of 2:1 ( which was based on the assumption of a higher refusal rate in arm B ) .
12 Maconochie was the originator of the ‘ mark ’ system of prison discipline , which was based on the conviction that the state has a duty to reform criminals , and that positive encouragement was more effective than punitive measures .
13 to which I referred was an overestimate compared to the figure that I suggested , which was based on the same information .
14 Its political function was as much the repression of the rural and urban masses as feudal vassalage had been , but in addition it had to act to protect the land-owning aristocracy against the growing power of the bourgeousie which was based on the technical and commercial advances underlying pre-industrial manufacturing .
15 This was part of a wider strategy throughout the public sector which was based on the simple ideological premise that the private sector had everything to teach the public sector and nothing to learn .
16 He profited from a striking convergence between his philosophy of government , which was based on the need to bypass intermediaries such as parties and establish a direct relationship between himself and the people , and a technology which facilitated precisely that kind of personalized and direct communication .
17 A NATIONAL arts development agency , which was based in the North-East , has collapsed with debts of £30,000 .
18 In these schools and classrooms the more traditional approaches to teaching and learning were rejected , not because they were traditional but because their teachers came to realise that through a programme of learning which was based upon the qualities and gifts of each child , higher standards could be achieved .
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