Example sentences of "which appear [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The first organisms , which appear within a few hours of the pool forming , are bacteria , as well as tiny single celled plants and animals called algae and protozoa respectively .
2 Taking for example the nuclear power plant control room , the question is whether the desk operators should be expected to cope with all emergencies which appear within the total information presentation or whether , for complex and dangerous situations , a more senior person such as the shift-charge engineer should be called upon to make the decisions .
3 It should be noted that cl 3.2 gives a right to reject for latent defects that could not have been discovered upon examination and which appear after a reasonable period of use .
4 Father got a bit worked up about this , but it was above my head until I got down to the specific steps to success which appear in the following chapters , so just remember OIL .
5 These are SOURCE , PMODEL or FOREIGN modules which appear in the primary directory but which are not contained within any user-package .
6 We shall consider words , phrases and sentences which appear in the textual record of a discourse to be evidence of an attempt by a producer ( speaker / writer ) to communicate his message to a recipient ( hearer / reader ) .
7 These are followed by documents relating to the SI in Britain which include Ralph Rumney 's Psychogeographic Map of Venice ( 1957 ) , and brief statements by Michèle Bernstein which appear in the British press in the 1950s and 1960s .
8 He imagined the personal messages which appear in the back pages ( usually on cheaper paper , and often coloured a dull pale yellow or pink ) of such magazines , and he imagined writing replies to these messages , imagined exactly what he would say , even imagined meeting some of these men .
9 The Echo 's CD-Rom covers most item which appear in The Northern Echo , national and international articles aswell as a comprehensive coverage of the region .
10 Most of the red-throated divers which appear in the inshore voes at this time will be local breeders , and territories and relationships will be sorted out with much caterwauling and chasing before the successful pair set up home on some peaty pool .
11 Its 7-cm picture , which appears on a twisted nematic liquid-crystal display , is visible only in the dark because it is backed by an electroluminescent material which produces its own light .
12 I am fond of a notice which appears on a rare advertisement leaf in some copies of Robert Boyle 's Experiments and Notes about the Producibleness of Chymicall Principles ( 1680 ) :
13 a dust particle sticking to the printing plate or blanket which appears on the printed sheet as a dark spot surrounded by an halo .
14 While it is not anticipated that this should cause any difficulties , if you are unsure about anything which appears on the new payslips , please contact the staff in wages and salaries who will be happy to help you .
15 Therefore the simple conflict between accumulation and unproductive consumption which appears at the micro level may be transformed into its opposite at the macro level .
16 Is it the magic word ‘ organic ’ which appears alongside the higher price tag that triggers this Pavlovian response , or do we weigh up the pros and cons of organic versus inorganic produce before we buy ?
17 The poem which appears in the first volume is relatively simple in its advice .
18 On examination , it appears that some of the first papers were published in specialist journals , none of which appears in the highly-ranked journal set .
19 To such details may be added the evidence of an episcopal coinage which appears in the late sixth century .
20 Er it is about the future provision of section eleven which appears in the main report , you will no doubt appear as part of the budget debate .
21 He claimed that it was more accurate than any that had been made before , and there is a strong possibility that it is to be identified with the map which appears in the 1535 English Bible of Miles Coverdale [ q.v . ] .
22 It is therefore ironic that the report which it unreservedly endorses and which appears in the same issue should perpetuate the thinking I seek here to expose as muddled and erroneous .
23 Metty is a misfit , as Golding 's Matty is in Darkness Visible , a novel which appeared at the same time as Naipaul 's .
24 A group of Irrawaddy dolphins , which appeared for the first time in Laos last year , are in danger of dying out as a result of the increasing use of gill nets by local fishermen .
25 Outside the marched in the aborigines had their fire of gum tree branches to purify the atmosphere very much like the flames of fire which appeared on the first whit Sunday .
26 Alan Rawley , prosecuting , told the judge , Mr Justice Waterhouse , there would now be no trial on four other counts which appeared on the original indictment , involving other alleged land deals .
27 Volkswagen 's rival to the metro is the Polo , which appeared in a new design at the turn of the year .
28 The upshot was a story which appeared in a tabloid newspaper during the World Cup headlined : ‘ Gus : Love on the Dole ’ .
29 Ms Dickinson explained that the committee last year placed four advertisements , two of which appeared in a 16-page December children 's book supplement in the Independent on Sunday .
30 According to a number of articles which appeared in a special series devoted to the ‘ chuguo chao ’ in Guangming Ribao early in 1988 , young intellectuals generally felt oppressed by their circumstances .
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