Example sentences of "which be found in the " in BNC.

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1 These sugars , which are found in the milk itself , and also in the urine of nursing mothers , protect in two ways .
2 This school of thought emerges from the low numbers of cichlid fry which are found in the mouths of cichlids which are incubating the Synodontis .
3 It does have certain points in its favour which are found in the hypnotic technique too , and which I consider vital in the interests of safety and authenticity :
4 Similarly , there are pieces of metalwork decorated with enamel which are found in the Lark valley in Cambridgeshire ( Brown 1981a ; Scull 1985 ) .
5 For the most part , fat is simply a store of calories , but there are specialized areas of fat , called brown fat , which are found in the back between the shoulder blades and around the area of the kidneys .
6 Dr. Lamont writes that " Islay has no relics of the Palaeolithic age , but traces of Mesolithic settlement , principally of " kitchen middens " of small mobile communities , which are found in the vicinity of the 25 foot raised beaches " which were formed before 2500 BC when the sea was roughly at its present level , and says " It was , however , in the New Stone Age ( 2700–1300 BC ) that men took effective possession , pasturing their domestic herds , practising a simple agriculture , and interring their noble dead in impressive chambered cairns .
7 Certainly , in writing essays , conducting experiments , citing sources , marshalling one 's findings , reading part of the relevant literature , and finding one 's way around information sources , students are undertaking tasks which are found in the research enterprise .
8 The last class of erm second messenger activated channels that I 'd like to deal with is are those calcium channels which are found in the in endomembranes , especially in the endoplasmic reticulum which are gated open by a compound known as inositol one four five trisphosphate .
9 Includes remains of some 42 skeletons which were found in the caves .
10 It is believed that these clothes have been taken to Malta for comparison with items purchased there which were found in the suitcase containing the bomb .
11 Syphilitic aneurysms most commonly occur in that part of the aorta which is found in the chest , but occasionally are found in the abdominal aorta .
12 This plant has a long leaf form which is found in the lowlands where the temperature is substantially high .
13 For the conclusion that the powers vested in directors are to be exercised exclusively by the directors is arrived at by a careful analysis of the wording of the article giving to the directors of the company general managerial powers which is found in the constitution of most companies .
14 But in the non-comparative use , which is found in the sentence ‘ white things normally appear white ’ , things are different .
15 Highly theatrical in its use of gesture to suggest woman 's power over man to reduce him to his baser instincts , ( evidence of which is found in the entwined figures on the base ) it also refers to the dream-state .
16 One botfly known to parasitise humans is Dermatobia hominis , which is found in the warmer parts of the New World .
17 But it has always been recognised that , where individuals desire that services of a special kind which , though not within the obligations of a police authority , can most effectively be rendered by them , should be performed by members of the police force , the police authorities may ( to use an expression which is found in the Police Pensions Act 1890 ) ‘ lend ’ the services of constables for that purpose in consideration of payment .
18 Secondly , it must be remembered that both as regards measurements and general shape , there is often considerable overlap in the range which is found in the two sexes .
19 An example of such a clause is the following which was found in the Foreign Compensation Act 1950 , a statute setting up a body known as the Foreign Compensation Commission : ‘ The determination by the commission of any application made to them under this Act shall not be called in question in any court of law . ’
20 Inside the church , the earliest feature is an Anglo-Saxon carved stone cross head which was found in the churchyard in 1934 .
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