Example sentences of "which be approved by the " in BNC.

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1 S 55 applies to members of bodies which are approved by the Lord Chancellor for probate services .
2 Brunel then prepared some guide-lines , which were approved by the other judges and sent to the assessors by Buckler on the same day .
3 All patients gave fully informed consent to the studies which were approved by the Harrow Health Authority Ethical Committee .
4 In the words of Pollock B in Hazelton ( 1874 ) LR 2 CCR 134 , which were approved by the Court of Appeal in Gilmartin [ 1983 ] QB 953 , the accused represents that " the existing state of facts is such that in the ordinary course the cheque will be met " .
5 As well as the popular cross country rides centre , which is approved by the British Horse Society , offers lessons in a variety of riding styles .
6 The Agency 's plans for meeting the requirements of this Agreement will be published in its Operational Plan for 1993–94 , which is approved by the Secretary of State .
7 Moreover , Kebin and Kaiguo ( 1989 ) describe the measures suggested by the Project of Protective Forest System which was approved by the government in 1978 to improve conditions in northern China .
8 The survey , which was approved by the Ethics Committee , took place in January 1990 , and involved all 86 EHA DNs , who were asked to complete separate anonymous postal questionnaires for each of their patients with one or more leg ulcer .
9 In response to the President 's request for a re-examination of US objectives ‘ in Peace and war ’ and their effect on strategic plans , and with the background of the development of thermo-nuclear weapons , the Secretaries of State and Defense had produced a paper which was approved by the National Security Council : NSC 68 .
10 So an award by the company to the catering industry , which was approved by the Health Offices , might help achieve your goal .
11 When the Soviet Union intervened militarily in Afghanistan the British Foreign Secretary , Lord Carrington , rapidly proposed a plan for Afghanistan which was approved by the Council of Ministers of the EEC and adopted as a joint EEC declaration on 15 January 1980 .
12 Proposals put forward by Mitterrand on July 14 , 1989 , that the right of referral to the Constitutional Council ( Conseil constitutionel ) should be extended to individual citizens resulted in a draft law which was approved by the Council of Ministers on March 28 , 1990 .
13 An amendment extending the life of the councils for a maximum of one year was attached to a bill providing for the abolition of the county councils in favour of 13 new regional corporations which was approved by the Senate on Sept. 5 .
14 In the draft budget for 1992 which was approved by the Cabinet on Sept. 4 spending on defence was set to rise by 6 per cent , bringing it to 14,800 million shekels ( US$4,770 million ) .
15 The proposed expenditure figure was in line with the 1991-95 medium-term defence spending programme , which was approved by the government on Dec. 20 and became operational in April 1991 .
16 The election had originally been planned for March 1 , but was postponed because of the need to finalize a new election law , which was approved by the People 's Assembly on Feb. 4 , and because , according to reports , the government faced difficulties in financing and organizing the election .
17 The Carta Caritatis ( " Charter of Charity " ) of the Cistercians on the other hand , was not a rule in the sense of a code of conduct ( as was St Benedict 's Rule ) but a fundamental redaction of monastic law which was approved by the pope .
18 All subjects gave informed consent for the study , which was approved by the local ethical committee .
19 Written informed consent was obtained from each patient before entry into the study , which was approved by the Parkside Health Authority Ethics Committee .
20 Twelve healthy volunteers with no past medical history but weighing at least 10% more than their ideal weight gave written informed consent to the protocol which was approved by the ethics committee of the Ho 4pital Lariboisière .
21 In Roberts ( 1971 ) 56 Cr App R 95 ( CA ) , an important case which was approved by the Lords in Savage , the court seems to have held that the mens rea is the same as for common law assault .
22 This includes , also , an amount of thirteen thousand five hundred , er to support the scheme for public questions , which was approved by the Policy Committee last November .
23 This latter one puts right a mistake in the description of the basis for distributing the distributable amount for ninety three four which was approved by the house on the eighth of February nineteen ninety three .
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