Example sentences of "which be discuss in the " in BNC.

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1 The fixed paternoster has none of these disadvantages and many advantages which are discussed in the chapter on tackle ( page 7 ) .
2 Aside from the sharp dips , which are discussed in the next section , there is a gradual decline in pull-out torque to 0.48 Nm at a speed of 10 steps per second .
3 It uses some printer Escape sequences which are discussed in the " Printer Escape Sequences " sub-section and it assumes that the Printer Editor has been used to set " Off at CR " to " No " for bold and underline .
4 These trends have reinforced the already closer contact between farmers and their workers brought about by mechanization and the declining size of the labour force which were discussed in the previous chapter .
5 The beneficiaries are not small farmers except in a few isolated cases where costs and benefits are seen to be equally shared ( e.g. in Sukhomaj Village which is discussed in the CSE report , p. 14 ) .
6 In relation to Question 1 ( which is discussed in the following pages ) , many trainees find it difficult to discard subjectivity entirely in goal setting and still want to set goals to do with changing ‘ attitudes ’ , ‘ relationships ’ , and ‘ perceptions ’ .
7 This is true of every theory of criminal behaviour which is discussed in the textbooks today , even though the explanation is in terms of social and group factors rather than in terms of biological factors … .
8 Fortunately , the legal definition of crime incorporates the assumption of its ‘ naturalness ’ to free and rational human beings , which was discussed in the previous section .
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