Example sentences of "or less [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The average Jew was the average Englishman , living off a weekly pay packet of four pounds a week or less at a time when , in the worst-hit areas for unemployment , up to twenty per cent of the population was below the poverty line .
2 Well they did n't mind catching them that these here gamekeepers they come on more or less at the finish of the harvest over the field with the guns what was left .
3 Hermes Trismegistus emerged from Egypt more or less at the time in which Zoroaster and the Magi became respected figures among the Greeks : they will have to be considered together .
4 A lamb remains a lamb until it loses its milk teeth , more or less at the end of the year , and — if it has n't lost its life as well by then — it becomes a hogget .
5 The passage has virtually no narrative progression : indeed , it begins more or less at the end of the interview .
6 Those aged 2½years or less at the onset of hearing loss fared considerably less well than their older counterparts .
7 She had settled on the bottom with her bows more or less on a north-south line .
8 Two years after I killed Blyth I murdered my young brother Paul , for quite different and more fundamental reasons than I 'd disposed of Blyth , and then a year after that I did for my young cousin Esmerelda , more or less on a whim .
9 erm Yes , now if we get to about half way down there 's a plus in the margin , and the third line in the bracket below that plus , more or less on a level with a three dot , and a little bit below , it says , William , I think it 's Wilkinson , a minister , curate of St Ebbe 's Parish , ‘ his answer that he must attend the burials and christenings ’ , so obviously he could n't work on the fortifications .
10 And more : ‘ LEGA … represents en bloc the fourth or fifth grouping in Italy , behind IRL , ENI and Fiat , but more or less on a par with Montedison . ’
11 Apart from these , the two rival systems were more or less on a par as far as simplicity and accord with observations of planetary positions are concerned .
12 So it could be used as a preliminary check for patients , more or less on a routine basis ?
13 When they do so , the refinancing will cost far more than the warrant yields originally suggested — around 8–10% , at current interest rates , rather than the 3–5% or less on the warrants .
14 And it 's more or less on the way to your place at Kew . "
15 Cos you 're nearly , you know , more or less on the corner there anyway are n't you ?
16 Whetton seemed to move into the All Black position more or less on the grounds of seniority and his experience of captaining Auckland .
17 It 's not what they hope to see , but it 's more or less on the spot of what once was the herb garden for the monks of Shrewsbury Abbey .
18 15 words or less to a sentence .
19 — the spelling of English was more or less fixed several hundred years ago ; but the pronunciation keeps changing , so that even where a letter once corresponded more or less to a sound , now it may not ;
20 That is foolish of him , because we have discovered that there is agreement more or less across the spectrum .
21 More or less since the end of the Second World War , Karajan had been fascinated by the challenge of music on film .
22 Otherwise you 'd be out more or less into the night because you got to go and see the men at night you see ?
23 Now before we step the mast , we need to turn the boat more or less into the wind and that 's a good chance for us to start thinking about where the wind 's coming from .
24 because of the way it tends to bind many poorer consumers into using just one type of credit ( considerably more costly than non-collection types ) more or less as a matter of course .
25 He had never married , but his will shows that he regarded Elsynge , his successor in the clerkship , more or less as a son .
26 Irwin , or any Viceroy , had by the end of the twenties only two possibilities before him : either to follow , for as long as British willpower and resources lasted , an unending road of remorseless repression , or to parley , more or less as an equal with Gandhi and his adjutants with a view to guiding the country , maybe fairly slowly but nonetheless unrelentingly , towards self-government .
27 Look also for R Centauri , a red Mira-type variable more or less between the Pointers .
28 The front pair point slightly forward from the forehead and are positioned more or less between the eyes .
29 But er course we n n never got any money because we er m it more or less disbanded the Notts miners ' union that did , it er it took everything away was That was when we were er er s the Spencer union was formed more or less by the management .
30 Second , almost three-quarters of these interviewees had been using heroin for two years or less by the start of the prevalence study period .
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