Example sentences of "which [be] publish in the " in BNC.

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1 Potential investors use others , some of which are published in the national press .
2 Potential investors use others , some of which are published in the national press .
3 Evidence for their complaint was provided by the invaluable 1985 survey by the Gays and Broadcasting Project , the results of which were published in the pamphlet Are We Being Served ? .
4 The titles of some of the books which were published in the golden age of deism well illustrate the terms of the debate : Locke 's The Reasonableness of Christianity ( 1695 ) ; Toland 's Christianity not Mysterious ( 1696 ) ; Collins ' The Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Religion ( 1724 ) ; and , on the other side , Butler 's The Analogy of Religion , Natural and Revealed ( 1736 ) and Dodwell 's Christianity not Founded upon Argument ( 1742 ) .
5 There are sections on Islay in many of the piloting and sailing directions for Scotland , and specialist publications about the geology and the minerals , which were published in the 19th century , none of which tells us about the inhabitants .
6 There are sections on Islay in many of the piloting and sailing directions for Scotland , and specialist publications about the geology and the minerals , which were published in the 19th century , none of which tells us about the inhabitants .
7 He has compiled an illustrated catalogue to accompany the exhibition ( £19.95 hardback , £12.95 paperback ) which is published in the spring .
8 Murray managing director Nick Perren and 13 other members of staff have made their film debuts in a scene which focuses on an editorial meeting to discuss the book jacket of Ruth Prawer Jhabvala 's new novel , Poet and Dancer , which is published in the spring by John Murray .
9 These days , he does The Times and The Listener , which is published in The Sunday Times .
10 In Canto 101 , which was published in the volume Thrones ( 1960 ) we read :
11 In an interview with William Hardcastle on BBC Radio 4 's ‘ The World This Weekend ’ , the text of which was published in the Irish News on 7 October , Craig introduced two themes which were to be repeated over and over during the next few days .
12 Stirling wrote his account of the affair and a refutation which was published in the regimental journal .
13 Kellner pointed out that even in 1970 , when almost all polls predicted a victory for Harold Wilson , one which was published in the Evening Standard on polling day continued interviewing later than the others and detected the late swing to Edward Heath .
14 They then issued a public statement , which was published in the March edition of The Presbytery Bulletin , the Orkney churches ' informal news-sheet .
15 I presume neither Mr Baker nor Mrs Rumbold was aware that for over ten years I had been conducting a campaign to make creative writing a central feature of the English curriculum , and that in October 1983 I helped to organise a manifesto on this subject which was published in the Times Higher Education Supplement .
16 A growing disenchantment with this policy , and with other developments at the museum , including the Turner Prize , reached a climax in an unsigned profile of director Nicholas Serota which was published in The Independent on 28 November 1992 .
17 According to a careful investigation of such matters which was published in the West in the late Brezhnev years , Soviet global influence was at its height in the 1950s , when about 14 per cent of the world 's nations could be described as Soviet-aligned ; by the late 1970s , however , the total had fallen to 12 per cent .
18 This volume also has appended a poem ‘ On the Ruins of St. Austin 's , Canterbury ’ , which was published in the Kentish Gazette of 9 July 1774 and said to have been written sometime after Dixon was seventy-three years old .
19 Although the Utting report , which was published in the summer , made it clear that training was not the central issue in such cases , I am not arguing that professionalism is not important .
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