Example sentences of "take advantage of the new " in BNC.

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1 Do take advantage of the new low- and no-alcohol drinks available in Sainbury 's
2 It will certainly be interesting to see how many youngsters do take advantage of the new concessions .
3 Could they take advantage of the new offer ? 2 .
4 GREEDY garages in Britain are taking advantage of the new legislation on seat belts in cars by taking anxious parents for a ride .
5 Ferry lines expect a huge rush of passengers taking advantage of the new freedom .
6 They were willing to envisage greater cooperation with liberal representatives of the bourgeoisie and tended to place more emphasis on taking advantage of the new opportunities of the Duma era for the development of a legal workers ' movement .
7 Firms registered under the new law would be exempt from legal changes until 2016 , a clause that will reassure western companies thinking of taking advantage of the new facility .
8 Scurrying about with jugs of ale , the twins — Martha and Ann — took advantage of the new turn-about in political matters by ensuring that the customers ' voices were well lubricated .
9 And , to pay him credit , I think once Mrs Thatcher had gone Douglas Hurd took advantage of the new leadership to drop the demand for a war crimes tribunal , and he has tried very hard recently to develop a common approach to the postwar situation with France , Germany and Italy , the three key countries .
10 In the early part of the period these were essentially landowners , religious functionaries and bureaucrats , but as the city 's function gradually changed to accommodate the new political and economic realities , a new ‘ modern entrepreneurial ’ elite emerged which took advantage of the new circumstances and in particular of the boom conditions of the late 1930s .
11 Many took advantage of the new regime 's financial generosity .
12 The finance director , Roger Wood , said savings over the next two years were likely to total £13 million as the company took advantage of the new low-interest-rate environment .
13 However , building societies have taken advantage of the new regulations which allow them to raise 40% of funds on the wholesale markets , and are intent on maintaining their market share by encroaching on areas of lending business which traditionally belonged to banks .
14 By 1966 , the Church was better able to take advantage of the new interest in its separatist stance because it now had a core of Ulstermen who had been converted under Ian Paisley s preaching and who had grown up with his politicized evangelicalism .
15 It also contributed to a shift in opinion at the Ministry of Education away from the curtailment or freezing of grant towards modest and flexible expansion — and the Eastern District was able to take advantage of the new grant regulations which followed the Report in 1955 to achieve a level of aid a few percentage points higher than the 75% hitherto regarded as standard .
16 In Mexico , the private sector was able to take advantage of the new seeds , but the peasants on ejido land , often unable to get credit and farming for the first three years without fertilisers were not so productive .
17 A planned European visit , to take advantage of the new opportunities that will come with the Single Market , is regarded as particularly important both for self development and the identification of business opportunities .
18 Taxpayers who wish to take advantage of the new practice for valuations currently being negotiated should write to the inspector to whom they submitted the claim .
19 In his booklet Air Your Faith Edwin Robertson urges the churches to take advantage of the new opportunities that exist , as well as being sensitive to the difficulties .
20 And Forrest reckons that Scotland , with its excellent telecommunications infrastructure and relatively cheap rent and rates , is well-placed to take advantage of the new barrier-free European Community single market .
21 Unix System Laboratories , which has never officially been part of X/Open though it 's had a lot of informal dealings with it , is also expected to take advantage of the new technical membership and sign up .
22 Under these circumstances , it is unlikely that foreign computer firms will scramble to take advantage of the new policy under which they can subscribe for 30 per cent of equity in a local producer .
23 Not only would any subsequent residential development be wonderfully placed to take advantage of the new route into the heart of the city — thereby making the houses attractive to those whose business was in the city centre — but past experience had shown more often than not that the railway barons could well pay a fortune for any land they needed .
24 However , to the CNAA 's surprise , a number of institutions has indicated that they wish to take advantage of the new procedures by proposing special arrangements which would , in effect , provide for all their courses to be validated by a method other than the normal one .
25 Some editors believed they would be better off if they refused to take advantage of the new rules and continued to let the censor see their material in manuscript .
26 Could my Noble Friend give an assurance that if these schools wish to take advantage of the new legislation and to opt into grant maintained status , they 'll be given every encouragement ?
27 Take advantage of the new law : Until recently , crossed cheques issued by banks gave little protection .
28 Looking around her , she would see that while her brothers might follow their father 's trade or profession , whatever that was , or perhaps look for an apprenticeship in a traditional craft , or take advantage of the new opportunities in , say , transport — in short choose , within limits , a career that appealed to them — she was not likely to be able to indulge a personal preference .
29 As manufacturers and financial houses take advantage of the new opportunities , consumer organisations are looking , too , at the possibilities of more joint testing and publication on a European scale .
30 This union needs to ensure that all our safety reps take advantage of the new directives , because with a reduction of health and safety inspectors , health and safety has never been so bad .
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