Example sentences of "take advantage [prep] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 Tree shrews are a prime example of speciation , whereby a family branches out to create separate species that can take advantage of the many food niches in the rich tropical habitat .
2 During the troubles of 1173–4 the inhabitants of the citadel seized the opportunity to turn their enclosure into a proper circuit of walls , a move which was probably aimed against the city rather than against ducal authority , though clearly it was taking advantage of the latter 's temporary weakness .
3 Evergreen are taking advantage of the many tons of rubbish , until recently just dumped , that come from spinning and knitting factories , jumble sales and charity shops .
4 Although Liphook strove hard for the equaliser , they were unable to take advantage of the many opportunities created .
5 Rural-urban migrants were able to take advantage of the former , often sending financial assistance back to their relatives in the countryside and so contributing to increased income levels there .
6 He was at all times happy , said his lordship , to give his assent to any measure that could relieve the unfortunate debtor without giving an opportunity to the adulterer , the swindler etc. to take advantage of the same law — .
7 As I understand it Jehovah 's Witnesses accept and take advantage of the same medical treatment as those who do not subscribe to their beliefs and are as anxious as anyone else to recover from any illness from which they may suffer .
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