Example sentences of "one [prep] [art] ways [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Since the acquisition of beautiful paintings and objects became one of the ways to clambering up the slippery social slopes this sort of chatter has become jet-propelled .
2 In the hospitals , for example , a Minister of Health who is trying to do his duty must aim at increasing the corporate sense , morale and public esteem of the service , because he knows that this will be one of the ways of raising standards .
3 One of the ways of making a bridge between the two is to use teacher-in-role .
4 The main objective in changing the standard is to increase the effectiveness of audit reporting , which is one of the ways of closing the expectations gap between the auditors and users of financial statements .
5 At this time , one of the ways of learning the skills of a medical practitioner was to be apprenticed to a physician or surgeon .
6 To go past the School and over the railway bridge was one of the ways of going shopping in West End Lane .
7 Then you tell the story of the murder and the subsequent investigation , adroitly working in the fact that there was a red light shining at the vital time and place , using one of the ways of tricking your reader into " noticing and not noticing " this that we looked at in the previous chapter , and you also harp like mad on the impossibility of a person in a black dress or suit having been on hand at the moment the murder was committed .
8 Yes good , cos everything that we do has to be very careful recorded and taking the photographs and doing the the drawings and sketches that 's one of the ways of recording .
9 You said earlier running water might be one of the ways of the alternative methods of making electricity .
10 One of the ways of understanding long-gone societies is to look at their cultural artifacts .
11 They were drastically reduced in 1985–86 because of overtime cuts forced upon the police by the local police authority as one of the ways of responding to the budgetary impact of rate capping .
12 one of the ways of training you or breaking you in to what was materia m the materia medica of the pharmacy .
13 I mean tha , is it all , you know , do we need all the time to have erm extra administrative help and in in , and in terms of which we 've been talking about before , I know they might sound like two conflicting issues but one of the ways of ensuring we get the work done is do we trying too much at the Synod ?
14 It was one of the ways by which a more equal society can be created . ’
15 These include cortisol ( which rises later in the night as the body prepares for waking and is strongly influenced by the body clock ) ; antidiuretic hormone ( which is one of the ways in which fluid formation by the kidney is reduced at night , see Chapter 6 ) ; and the male sex hormone , testosterone , as well as some of the hormones that control the reproductive cycle in women .
16 One of the ways in which the children at the school develop their computer skills is by keeping weather and farm records .
17 One of the ways in which wars start is by nations trying to assert themselves by insulting , humiliating and attacking other countries .
18 Chaucer 's pilgrims travelled only a short distance from London to Canterbury , but to embark on a pilgrimage was one of the ways in which an ordinary citizen of the Middle Ages could travel abroad .
19 In fact when LEAs increase the amount of inspection work they are required to carry out , this could well be one of the ways in which they are able to help schools move forward .
20 This is one of the ways in which we are inferior to the so-called ‘ lower ’ forms of animal life .
21 This is one of the ways in which this new method differs from diets of the past .
22 It is one of the ways in which we are unlike people . ’
23 Later it was realized by Schrödinger and others that , on the tiniest sub-atomic scale , the duality of the cat 's existence exactly represented one of the ways in which the Universe works .
24 Through SuperNet , a whole new concept in communications efficiency is opened up — and SuperNet is only one of the ways in which Harris Adacom can maximise the effectiveness of your systems to exploit opportunities when they occur .
25 One of the ways in which the seemingly enormous differences between the ideas of Skinner and Chomsky may be reconciled is to recognise that , to a great extent , they were interested in quite different aspects of language .
26 One of the ways in which schools reorganised as comprehensive began to change the curriculum so that it would promote the struggle for equality of outcomes is the development of modular patterns ( Moon , 1988 , Warwick , 1987 ) .
27 Legislation had been passed , at the height of the bubble , to stop the creation of new joint-stock companies , which ruled out one of the ways in which the British had organized their expansion overseas , Walpole , the Prime Minister who picked up the pieces after the collapse , was first of all concerned to make sure that the King and his government did not run into any more trouble , which meant a programme of no new taxes , no wars , no new assertion of authority , and much less expansion than either before or after .
28 These cases are significant because they illustrate one of the ways in which standing is related to the merits of the case .
29 When considered together , they produce a two-way table ( see Table 5.1 ) in which each cell represents one of the ways in which children may meet , in a text , voices other than that of the narrator .
30 As teachers , we should notice that a clear understanding of the formal connections between sentences may help to explain one of the ways in which foreign language students sometimes write supposedly connected sentences , each of which is well-formed in itself , but which somehow add up to very strange discourse .
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