Example sentences of "one [prep] [art] several [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Finally , that was in a general way an instrument of state policy , in this case one felt to have been used for ill , is indicated by one of the several criticisms made of Bayezid I 's Grand Vezir Candarli Ali Pasa in the early histories .
2 It is one of the several enzymes involved in the central process of a cell 's metabolism known as the citric acid or Krebs cycle .
3 This is one of the several moves whereby , for Fanon , ‘ a native contest initially enunciated in the invader 's language , culminates in a rejection of imperialism 's signifying system ’ .
4 One of the several things we would advise any visitor to San Gimignano to do is to be in its main square , Piazza della Cisterna , towards evening when the light of the setting sun tinges the buildings with delicate colours .
5 Such a circumstance is far less likely to arise if defective slating is replaced either with a new natural slate roof or a surface of one of the several types of lightweight synthetic slate that are now obtainable .
6 They are then cut by one of the several methods to effect a good join .
7 Pronominal substitution is one of the several methods to link sentences and paragraphs and to allow the perception of an overall text .
8 From the nexus of contracts perspective the shareholders are not owners , but simply one of the several parties who make a contract with management to provide a factor of production ( in their case , capital ) for their common benefit .
9 I was up early next morning with a clanging hangover , and as I sat beside the bed watching Dana sleep , I wrote one of the several poems of that period about insomnia and my vigil over my sleeping friend 's form , ‘ The Lonely Insomniac ’ :
10 One of the several results was that it was very beneficial to fifteen actors like himself and eight directors who were ‘ hot ’ , and five good writers .
11 While the primates comprise only one of the several orders into which the class of mammals is divided , the group is of surpassing significance because man himself is classified within this order .
12 On one of the several occasions that Gary Grugel became aggressive and threatening , he nearly dropped half a paving slab on a victim 's head , Liverpool Crown Court was told .
13 It is one of the several subcultures we learned from our colonial teachers .
14 One of the several inns of this type still in use is illustrated in Fig. 484 .
15 The madness of the hatter was paranoia , one of the several symptoms of poisoning from the mercury used in the trade .
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