Example sentences of "up [art] whole [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 IT WAS once said of Peter Shilton , by a frustrated forward who had failed to beat him in a one-on-one situation , that ‘ he just spreads his arms and fills up the whole bloody goal ’ .
2 As yet it was only eight o'clock and the sun reluctant to leave without treating its worshippers to a pyrotechnic display of rose and gold flames that burnt up the whole western sky .
3 She prefaces her book with an attempt to sum up the whole hideous story .
4 He would see it through , he would find the Way Out , And he might not even stop at simply escaping ; he might just smash up the whole foul contraption of their testing and imprisonment apparatus — this " life " — while he was about It .
5 Pat Devine , secretary of the NUWM , summed up the whole Communist objection to ILP concept of the United Front as meaning a formal alliance between groups .
6 Rourke had set up the whole annoying episode .
7 Wanting to dare is his opposite number to the underground man 's wanting to want , because whereas wanting to want holds fast to the earlier novel 's metaphysical spareness and abstraction , wanting to dare opens up the whole huge circumstance of the murder itself , the thing that in fact gets done .
8 Joyce Grenfell was right , as ever , when she said there is no giving without receiving , that they are both part of the same circle which makes up a whole spiritual act .
9 Knowing what your best colours are and what styles will suit your figure can open up a whole new wardrobe — and make shopping a great deal easier .
10 You 're opening up a whole new can of beans as to why he married this young kind of Lolita-ish girl .
11 We have taken a new initiative , brand new initiative , we 've set up a whole new scheme doing this that and the other da da da , and in a sort of a tail end ,
12 If there are , this little piece could open up a whole new concept .
13 It could open up a whole new range of products , especially portable equipment .
14 If you are unable to leave your home , perhaps you could become a pen pal — it can open up a whole new world .
15 Fishing from a punt opens up a whole new world .
16 You may find yourself opening up a whole new world of exciting foreign contacts which could , eventually , lead to some charming holidays .
17 Liquid acrylics can open up a whole new world of possibilities .
18 So many of our wild creatures are nocturnal and never seen , but tiptoeing out after dark with torch in hand , can open up a whole new world .
19 They 're just mastering the basic skills of walking and talking , which open up a whole new world for them .
20 By arguing that the dimensions ( mass , length and time ) in which the various forms of energy can be expressed must be the same , he opened up a whole new research programme .
21 The company told the news agency that it has sold more than 200,000 of the 95LX model and will continue to sell both models — but ‘ We expect the 100LX to be even more popular and open up a whole new market . ’
22 If you want to meet someone with the same hopes , ambitions and interests as yourself , and are simply not meeting them socially or at work , Dateline , the largest , longest established and most successful computer dating agency in the world , can open up a whole new circle of people ; interesting , suitable people who could be living very close to you , people who you might never meet without Dateline 's help .
23 If you want to meet someone with the same hopes , ambitions and interest as yourself , and are simply not meeting them socially or at work , Dateline , the largest longest established and most successful computer dating agency in the world combines personal service with the speed and efficiency of modern technology to open up a whole new circle of compatible people for you ; interesting , suitable people who could be living very close , people who you might never meet without Dateline 's help .
24 It was as if the graft was setting up a whole new embryo and re-specifying the positions of the cells in its vicinity .
25 The technique has indeed opened up a whole new area of meiotic investigation in the male .
26 Whereas The Snail that Climbed the Eiffel Tower had allowed Minton to rework , in lighter and more decorative form , imagery coined in his landscape drawings of the mid-1940s , Time Was Away opened up a whole new repertoire .
27 He says the expert tuition has enabled him to reach new notes — and opened up a whole new repertoire .
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