Example sentences of "who fall [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She saw baggies , their heads clouded in violent imminence , shooting Chesarynth , who fell with the same gut-twisting thud that Ember 's flesh had made .
2 In 1983 the jockey would found the Bob Champion Cancer Trust , and four years later Aldaniti himself ( who fell at the first fence in the 1982 National ) would play his part in the Trust 's fund-raising activities by undertaking a 250-mile charity walk from London to Liverpool , arriving at the course to massive acclaim on the day of the Grand National : among the riders who partnered the 1981 hero on his trek was the Princess Royal .
3 Lynch , who fell at the first fence on his only other Grand National ride in 1981 , had looked likely to miss the race after Auntie Dot , one of his regular mounts , had been promised to Mark Dwyer , who finished third on her in last year 's race .
4 2.05:TOP weight Bradbury Star , who fell at the first in this race last year , has an excellent chance to gain compensation .
5 A system of ‘ National Assistance ’ was to be maintained for all those who fell outside the other benefits to be paid for by the national exchequer .
6 The one on the north wall is for the men of the cavalry regiments from the Krems area who fell in the First World War .
7 Go into the s transept with its rose window of the Last Judgement by Max Švabinský , 1935–8 , the Emblem of Prague City in metalwork by Karel Štipl , 1946 , a statue of Christ by Čeněk Vosmík , a fine memorial of 1921 dedicated to those who fell in the Great War by K. Pokorný , and the statue of St Wenceslas by Karel Dvořák , 1922 .
8 Built near the site of a fierce engagement in the opening phase of the Battle of the Somme , the tower commemorates the thousands of soldiers of the 36th ( Ulster ) Division and the other regiments who fell in the successful assault on the German front line in July 1916 .
9 David also rediscovered an elaborate but obscure memorial at Catterick to those of the local camp and aerodrome who fell in the 1914–18 war .
10 Today those who fought and those who fell in the Chinese onslaught were remembered .
11 He played Alan Crabbe , a nineteen-year-old who falls for the older Eileen — played by Nyree Dawn Porter — and is later beaten up by her fiancé .
12 The third example is a young man who falls into the rare category of those who pose a serious threat to public safety , a threat which in some instances exists for only weeks or months , although occasionally a person may remain potentially dangerous for some years .
13 Precisely who falls into the outer circle of effective kin , or the inner circle of intimate kin , is not entirely predictable in individual cases , although people normally do have a fairly clear notion of two different categories , for whom different terms may be employed .
14 Anything or anyone who falls into the black hole through the event horizon will come to an end of time at the singularity .
15 Thus the examples of ( 9 ) are acceptable : ( 9 ) your behaviour was barbaric this device is expensive his plan was inspired but impractical Where a prenominal adjective fits equally well with either relationship — ascriptive or associative — to its noun , we find that its occurrence in predicative position is acceptable , but only provided that the relation is taken as being ascriptive ; thus ( 10 ) mentions an individual who either has Greek nationality ( but the nature and region of the business which he or she deals with remain unspecified ) , or is a person who handles affairs connected with Greece ( but who may well be of some quite different nationality , Belgian for example ) ; ( 11 ) however unambiguously tells us that there is someone who falls into the former category : ( 10 ) the Greek representative ( 11 ) the representative is Greek
16 ‘ The market should expect open and honest reporting as a matter of right and those who fall below the required standard should be brought to account , ’ said the Governor .
17 Those who fall between the official schemes — like freelance photographer Melanie Cox — need it .
18 Professionals who fall into the above categories are consequently viewed as ‘ temporary ’ or ‘ constructive ’ insiders .
19 As was clear in the original Warnock Report ( DES 1978 ) , however , the proportion of children who fall within the general definition of special educational needs is around 20 per cent .
20 It only applies in specified courts , for specified proceedings , and to those who fall within the financial conditions and have reasonable grounds for taking , defending or being party to an action .
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