Example sentences of "who live in a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Nothing , however , can detract from the miracle that , on Christmas Day 1973 , people who lived in a state of enmity with one another on each side of the peace-line were strangely drawn together , jointly to celebrate the Christmas story and to find in it a message of love and forgiveness and of reconciliation .
2 What appeared to be the most damaging evidence had been provided by an old man called Christopher Tricky , who lived in a hovel near the dog pound at Alfoxden park gate :
3 It seems that Panna was born asexual — with no visible sexual characteristics — into a poor family who lived in a village near Varanasi .
4 In real life she 'd been a poor shepherdess who lived in a dungeon and had asthma .
5 This produced different social patterns from those of , say , south-eastern Europe , where there were still peasants who remembered Robot , the servile labour service surviving from the feudal era , and who lived in a poverty like that of Calabria or the Guadalquivir valley .
6 Matthew Robinson , who lived in a lodging house for social security tenants in Keyham , Plymouth , Devon , was discovered by his brother Jason , nine — who had slept the night in the bunk above him — at 8.30am on Wednesday .
7 The two other mares who lived in a paddock , took longer to solve the problem — one pawed the bucket out with her hoof , and the other removed it with her mouth .
8 She told me of her children , of how life had changed in Oman once the old Sultan had gone and the new Sultan began to rule , of the Sultan 's mother who was ‘ covered in gold from her neck to her waist ’ and who lived in a palace in the city of Salalah .
9 At one point , one of the pupils renders ‘ … who lived in a pretty house with a large garden ’ as ‘ … who lived in a palace house with a little grandfather ’ .
10 Like the woman famed in the bairns ' rhyme , ‘ who lived in a shoe , and had so many children she did not know what to do , ’ Martha in her Boat-house kept so many lodgers — the cooking of meals , making of beds , and washing of linen for such a host made her often remark , ‘ I have so much wark , I dinna know what to do first ; ’ and then she had a husband to work for .
11 There was an Old Woman who Lived in a Shoe , taken from Nursery Rhymes by Tracey Boyd .
12 For The Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe , buy or make a long cake such as a swiss roll and cut about four inches off the end .
13 There was an Old Woman who Lived in a Shoe , taken from Nursery Rhymes by Tracey Boyd .
14 Fairytale characters mingled with the children in the crowd , giving them toys and bits of fruit : Mary Poppins , Mother Hubbard , the Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe .
15 And Juan — as Alejandro ( who as one who lived in a glass house and was in no position to hurl polo balls ) pointed out — might well have died of sexual excess .
16 In his pre-sponsorship days he used to be known as ‘ the surfer who lived in a car ’ ; in France he had a tent on the beach .
17 It was a generous and bubbling woman called Meg who lived in a caravan and whom Lee had met through the Labour Party and liked enormously .
18 McLean , 43 , of no fixed abode , and Lisa Burgess , 21 , who lived in a caravan near the Plas Madoc Housing Estate at Acrefair , both deny murder on Thursday , July 9 , last year .
19 Defendants Sharon McLean , 43 , of no fixed abode , and Lisa Burgess , 21 , who lived in a caravan near the Plas Madoc housing estate at Acrefair , near Wrexham , both deny murdering Mrs McMullen on the evening of Thursday July 9 last year .
20 Burgess , 21 , who lived in a caravan at Acrefair and McLean , 43 , of no fixed abode , deny murdering Mrs McMullen , 30 , of Derby Road , Brynteg .
21 Practically the whole of Ata'i 's work , on the other hand , is concerned with scholars who lived in a period of relatively rapid elaboration of the hierarchical structure ; and well before Ata'i 's own time the development was nearly complete .
22 When we first fished Sweethope in 1973 , it was owned by Vaux Breweries , Sunderland , and managed by a retired naval officer who lived in a house by the side of the lough .
23 ( Do you know , years ago I asked a wise man who lived in a cave outside Alexandria why this happens ?
24 That night I walked part of my way home with one of the other pupils , who lived in a group of houses a short distance from the school .
25 Today we 'll be talking about the tale of a man who lives in a churchyard .
26 Gertrude is an absurd person who lives in a bird sanctuary ministering to ‘ oiled-up sea-birds ’ ( Elizabeth got that from a charity appeal ) .
27 Congress , any delegate who lives in a university town or who has a son or daughter at college can testify to the special promotions that all banks offer to students .
28 He 'll be saying to me is that lady coming who lives in a hole now , Bodger and Badger .
29 There was Libby , a middle-class city girl who lives in a log cabin in the sub-arctic woods .
30 ‘ The child who lives in a clearing in the jungle has to move out of the clearing and into the jungle one day , ’ she says .
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