Example sentences of "who tried [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 What he said was very significant — that the ANC wanted to encourage any film-maker , black or white , who tried to put on the screen images of black people that were recognisably human , and who also tried to give employment and encouragement to black technicians .
2 A scientist who tried to cope with the orbit of Uranus by proposing that the force between Uranus and the sun obeyed something other than the inverse square law would be opting out of the Newtonian research programme .
3 Haydon , who painted Wordsworth on Helvellyn in 1842 , noted that ‘ His head is like as if it was carved out of a mossy rock , created before the flood ’ , and those who tried to penetrate to the character beneath the face of the old man used the same ‘ stony ’ vocabulary .
4 A friend who tried to go to the man 's aid had to be held back .
5 The school found some support for their interpretation of Mrs Peel 's behaviour from a community nurse who tried to work with the family : ‘ She thinks there 's evidence of sexual abuse ; soiling , language and sexually overt behaviour . ’
6 They sent up a thick screen of flak between the Goshawk planes and the second balloon , damning anyone who tried to break through The usual haphazard spray of machine-gun fire sprinkled the air , inaccurate and half-spent at that height , but it only needed one bulletin the head to destroy a whole aircraft .
7 Who tried to hide during the 1984–85 miners ' strike by wearing a bag over his head ?
8 They became , in a sense , a captive labour force ; those who tried to escape from the land to neighbouring towns could be forcibly returned or punished .
9 Viewers saw him explode with fury at militiamen who tried to stand in the way of aid convoys , and shake with emotion at the tragic plight of victims of ethnic cleansing .
10 Women who tried to get into the car park without a pass this morning were allowed through the barrier , but council officials warned them that they could face disciplinary proceedings if they try again tomorrow .
11 A guard kicked away a dog who tried to run under the scaffold to lick the dripping blood .
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