Example sentences of "who [vb past] left the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All he needed to do was to collect the votes of the majority of MAs who had left the University .
2 These words of wisdom remind me of a student who came to see me many years ago after the long vacation during which she had begun her undergraduate dissertation ( with another tutor who had left the university that summer , I must emphasize ) .
3 A further example of an indirect restraint is found in the case of Mineral Water Bottle Exchange and Trade Protection Society v Booth ( 1887 ) 36 Ch D 465 where a trade association had a rule that no member should employ an employee who had left the service of another member without the consent in writing of his late employer until a period of two years had elapsed from the time of the end of his employment .
4 On Thursday , 21 st December 1967 another ex-minister and colleague of Oscar Kambona who had left the country at around the same time returned to Dar es Salaam : the former Zanzibar Vice-President , Kassem Hanga .
5 On April 9 the then Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Abdul Rahman Abdallah as Awadi said that elections were unlikely to be held before August or September 1992 due to the continued absence of an estimated 400,000 Kuwaitis ( including " second category " citizens ) who had left the country during the Iraqi occupation and who were not expected to return before the end of 1991 .
6 Williams made friends at the Slade including the late Allan Gwynne-Jones RA and Bernard Dunstan , who had left the Slade but was still working in Oxford , and who , with his wife Diana Armfield , has remained a close friend .
7 Mr Smith , the feast secretary , echoed these sentiments , as he told me how people who had left the village returned annually for the feast ; there were people here today from as far away as Bournemouth .
8 Ubhejane is a boy who leaves his village in search of his father , Sikulu , who had left the village years ago to defend the rights of black South Africans .
9 On Feb 9 six deputies who had left the PUWP before its dissolution set up a new parliamentary group , the Independent Deputies ' Caucus ( KNP ) .
10 The parties , who had left the United Kingdom to settle in Australia , married there and had two children .
11 In the new Cabinet announced on April 12 there were no changes to major ministries , but five politicians from the left of the CD who had left the government in July 1990 [ see p. 37624 ] were restored to Cabinet posts .
12 ‘ I found as the charred remains came to light that one of their employees , who had left the firm last year , had been embezzling them for years and had set fire to the premises so that no trace could be found of his dirty work .
13 A delay followed while those who had left the vessel , presumably to search , re-entered it .
14 They were joined there by earl Rivers , who had left the prince at Stony Stratford and ridden north to greet the dukes , having first dispersed his men among neighbouring villages to ensure accommodation near the prince for the new arrivals .
15 They were joined there by earl Rivers , who had left the prince at Stony Stratford and ridden north to greet the dukes , having first dispersed his men among neighbouring villages to ensure accommodation near the prince for the new arrivals .
16 When we quarrelled , it was about other things : bills , who had left the lawn mower out in the rain , nothing important .
17 The small gathering included my former colleague Guy Thomas , who had left the company when the ownership changed from TWW to HTV .
18 I remember removing the name-tapes of the former wearers ( who had left the school ) with a savage feeling that these people had to be got rid of , otherwise they would possess me as a living person is possessed by a ghost .
19 Hau , 72 , a mainlander who had left the Army in 1989 in order to assume the post of Defence Minister , was reputed to be in the conservative wing of the KMT .
20 Maha was a lushly beautiful woman who had left the husband who had been arranged for her .
21 It is his letter of March 1094 to the bishop of Salisbury , instructing him in the name of himself and the king to take action about the case of the daughter of the king of Scotland , who had left the nunnery at Wilton and who — as Anselm and King William had agreed — was to be forced to return .
22 Donna glanced around , looking for Ryker amongst the three or four dozen other people who had left the train along with her .
23 Apart from Benjamin and I , he was the only one who had left the manor so his cloak and boots would have been covered in snow .
24 At that moment one of the other two women who had left the room for a couple of minutes returned with a bowl of water and began to bathe the injured arm .
25 Equally , hostility towards peasants who had left the commune came not from a proletarianized peasantry presaging a movement beyond capitalism to socialized large-scale farming , but from ‘ traditional ’ households who desired a redistribution of the land amassed by their more successful neighbours .
26 He paused and the meeting observed a thirty-second silence in honour of Richard Fairley who had left the partnership a year previously for considerably more than a handful of silver , taking with him Regina Securities ' main reason for being interested in paying Yeo Davis 's bills .
27 There was between them and the quarterdeck a group of men who had left the fighting .
28 Youths who had left the Yorkshire Institution for the Deaf and Dumb at Doncaster roamed the streets at a loose end , causing mischief .
29 PCD general secretary Daniel Lima dos Santos Daio , a former Defence Minister who had left the MLSTP in 1982 and had formed the PCD as an underground organization in 1987 , was named to form an interim government pending presidential elections on March 3 .
30 ‘ Mrs Kennedy Smith and I chatted about the people who had left the area for America in the 1800s .
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