Example sentences of "make at the start [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now we await the entry into the Promised Land , the turning of the people into an independent nation of some renown ( you will remember that was the vision implied by the terms of the promises made at the start of Genesis 12 ) , and their becoming a source of blessing for ‘ all the families of the earth ’ .
2 SENSIBLY , speeches were made at the start of Sir Kingsley Amis 's 70th birthday party at the Savoy Hotel yesterday .
3 An edit is therefore made at the start of each shot , and this means that the record machine should be capable of making clean edits , in other words , that it should have the backspace facility ( see page 35 ) .
4 Bland believes that a catastrophic faux pas was made at the start of the 1980s when the Scandinavians introduced the red light against the South African golfers .
5 Although the concessions met the demands made at the start of an unprecedented national protest campaign on June 10 , they now failed to satisfy the opposition , who responded by continuing to call for Ratsiraka 's resignation .
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