Example sentences of "make it impossible [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This could make it impossible to test QCD to better than 10 per cent , bringing the business of science to a halt .
2 They would make it impossible to fund clubs and societies and would inevitably suppress much of our vital welfare work .
3 President Alija Izetbegovic told reporters his meeting with mediators Cyrus Vance and Lord Owen was very short because of the ‘ bad news ’ from Bosnia which made it impossible to continue talks .
4 His own opening gambit made it impossible to take offence .
5 ( If so , I thought that was just the problem that made it impossible to use Rocky … )
6 The crytic stage in the choroid plexus may also give the ‘ tryps ’ time to alter their surface antigens , and so escape destruction by the immune system ; the trick that has , to date , made it impossible to construct vaccines effective against them .
7 They were still held within the vice of their own fields , with all the complicated property rights which made it impossible to secure land for building development .
8 Ice on the north coast of Spitsbergen made it impossible to pass Amsterdam Island , and so he made for Franz Josef Land , discovered only in 1873–4 , and partly mapped .
9 Furthermore the structures of the lexical entries have tended to be proprietary to the system making it impossible to exchange lexicons between systems .
10 " The cabinet diplomacy at which ( Bismarck ) excelled in the 1860s was no longer possible in the 1880s ; public opinion was beginning to influence policy making it impossible to turn friendships on and off at will . "
11 Pressure on land may be very strong , making it impossible to raise funds to even acquire the garden , let alone restore it .
12 Taking note of every small detail that occurs makes it impossible to take part in active discussion .
13 In the period under discussion , the Zande number about half a million and live mainly as cultivators growing maize , sweet potatoes , ground-nuts and some fruit ; the presence of tsetse fly makes it impossible to keep cattle .
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