Example sentences of "so long as it was " in BNC.

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1 Chicken 's feet used to give the lie to my bravura claim to Eat Anything , so long as it was recently dead .
2 At first , this stress on ‘ natural religion ’ , as it was called , did not necessarily mean the abandonment of Christianity as revealed in the Scriptures ; so long as it was not inconsistent with reason , it could be accepted .
3 In other words , so long as it was cheap , the precautionary principle might be applied .
4 Boy would have been happiest to stand on the end of a pier from which big ships , real proper ocean ships , embarked ; but he would have settled for just an ordinary pier , a small one — so long as it was big enough for him to walk away from the city , into the wind , turn his back on everything and stand there looking west at an empty sea , or a far horizon , and think about America , or somewhere .
5 Desperate in his anxiety to leave Bristol , almost any available house now seemed acceptable to Coleridge so long as it was near Tom Poole .
6 The commodity might have been hides , jade , tobacco , salt or precious metals , so long as it was accepted as a means of discharging obligations .
7 The fact that John had handed over the reins of power to Miss Doris and Mr Smith seemed a great honour but his stipulation that they should keep and maintain the name and reputation of the business so long as it was possible to do so proved a massive task for them in later years .
8 But — so long as it was made clear that this was a genuine option , and entirely voluntary — we are in favour of lenders in this country at least recommending insurance and pointing out its advantages .
9 The usual jibe was that Crowninshield was a politician without a cause , or rather that he would support any cause so long as it was fashionable , but his critics also attacked Crowninshield for being wealthy , claiming that his eminence was solely due to the vast amounts of money that he spent on his campaigns .
10 Above all , she loved his Italian mannerisms : hands cupped together in a pleading gesture when she was slow to understand something or arms flailing in the air as he enthused about the beauty of Capri , the magnificence of St Peter 's — anything , so long as it was Italian .
11 It did n't matter where so long as it was cheap .
12 He agreed to do homage so long as it was spelt out that Aquitaine should belong to him and his heirs for ever .
13 They were bound by it so long as it was not in conflict with their statutory duty .
14 Now it was again being ruled that the Yugoslavs should be handed over , so long as it was not necessary to use force — but to this a subsequent note now added a very important qualification .
15 Any direction was as good as another — so long as it was away from that thing .
16 In the past individual authorities could always escape centrally imposed financial constraints by raising extra income from the rates without penalty ( so long as it was prepared to risk the ‘ political ’ reaction from local ratepayers ) .
17 Perhaps now Merymose was beginning to share Kenamun 's desire for an arrest at any price , so long as it was soon .
18 It offered to put some of the Mrs on railways in the 1990s , but this solution was never very popular outside the Air Force , which wanted anything so long as it was cheap — lest it have to take money from other projects .
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