Example sentences of "so far as [pers pn] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 The point of the episode , so far as we were concerned , was that the truth of it has never been established .
2 Leavisites , of course , claimed that they were committed to discussion , argument , the free play of mind ; in so far as they were , it was contained within the enclosing form of life , not directed against it , rather like arguments within Marxist-Leninist ideology .
3 However , by 1984 a stream of continental ecologists were visiting FoE 's headquarters and appearing at conferences to remark that , so far as they were concerned , the trees looked much the same in Britain as they did in West Germany .
4 In so far as they were looking forward , it was with a much more gradual pace of development in mind .
5 It seemed that so far as they were concerned Meehan , guilty or innocent , could stay in Peterhead for ever .
6 Abolitionists did not expect immediate conversion by slaveholders ; it was not necessary in so far as they were sure planters could not for long resist the economic imperatives .
7 So far as they were concerned traders and sailors who had been blown off course were pirates ; and in the range of activity between purely peaceful traders and pirates who were ready to attack ships of any nation there were some traders who were prepared to use force to make Spanish ports deal with them , and others who were willing to appear to use force in order to provide Spanish settlements with an excuse for trading .
8 The roots of disillusionment — in so far as they were the fruit of twelfth-century conditions and not merely the natural response to too high or too vaguely expressed expectations — lay in the intellectuals ' belief , stated by John of Salisbury .
9 Both he and Mme Guérigny made it clear that , so far as they were concerned , the family had reached completion ; it had been torn asunder , and would integrate on Jean-Claude 's death .
10 Tied cottagers received protection under the Rent Act 1957 only in so far as they were ‘ tenants ’ who were entitled to four weeks ' notice to quit and could not be evicted without prior warning .
11 Their Lordships abstain from detailed discussions of these questions , in so far as they were developed in argument , for that would lead the Board to fall into precisely the errors against which Griffiths L.J .
12 The fact that the company never had and was never entitled to have some of the documents and that certain of them could only be obtained by litigation with the appellants , in so far as they were relevant to issues in that litigation , are factors to take into account in the balancing exercise to be set against the purposes of the administration set out in section 8 of the Act of 1986 .
13 We considered that he ought to have taken these points during the hearing itself and , in so far as they were of a technical procedural nature , he had waived his right to advance them because he was content to allow the full two-day hearing to take place without complaining at the outset that he had been prejudiced by short notice of the hearing or by any procedural irregularity in the way the preliminary issue had been brought before the court .
14 The Court of Appeal held that those transactions were valid so far as they were entered into for the purposes of interest rate risk management and not for trading purposes .
15 So far as they were all concerned he had had his way with her .
16 Would-be ambassadors thus continued to be trained , in so far as they were trained at all , by the time-honoured method of acting as secretaries to older and more experienced diplomats , or by being attached in some subordinate capacity to one of their country 's embassies abroad .
17 Culturally it was the bourgeois life style which prevailed over the aristocratic , if only by a fairly general withdrawal of the old aristocracy from the world of culture ( as that word was now understood ) : they became , in so far as they were not already , the ‘ barbarians ’ of Matthew Arnold ( 1822–88 ) .
18 She was always mine in so far as she was anyone 's , and she 's never been anyone 's and never will be anyone 's , you know .
19 So far as she was concerned , the friendship with Martin Ward was just that — a friendship .
20 ( Emma 's first appearance ) ‘ In so far as she was beautiful , this beauty lay in her eyes : although they were brown , they would appear black because of her lashes … ’
21 Robbie drew breath to vindicate herself , to tell him that she had not been unfaithful , that so far as she was concerned Hugh had ceased to exist .
22 The sooner they took off , the better , so far as she was concerned .
23 Similarly , although libraries were established in temples and palaces in order to conserve records of the past , there is no evidence of any interest in history , except in so far as it was a guide to action in the present .
24 Some writers have held that the essential thing about medieval law was that it was discovered , not made ; in so far as it was valid and sound , it was a reflection of divine law ; it partook of the nature of what in more recent times has been called ‘ fundamental law ’ .
25 In so far as it was possible to control the number of children they had , a significant number of Victorian parents were beginning to do so — if only because of the simple fact that the fewer sons and daughters there were , the more could be done to give each of them a good start in life .
26 However and whenever it was first formulated , this pangenetic reduction of every mode of generation to micro-ovulo-gemmation could take inheritance , in so far as it was completely conservative , to be effected by an exact replication of a whole in all its parts ; so that variation , reversion and so on are explicable as disturbances , suspensions and complications of that fundamental replicative tendency .
27 His mission , in so far as it was to reconcile the Nationalists and Communists , was a failure and indeed could hardly have been expected to be otherwise .
28 Thus the anti-aristocratic debate , in so far as it was not a literary fashion , was a polemical weapon in a struggle within the nobility between the nobility nobility allow it trained golillas ( pen-men , usually of modest noble origin ) and the ‘ military ’ aristocracy , who may have regarded office as the reward of rank .
29 I am , I regret , unable to agree that the judgment of the court beyond this or that , in so far as it was obiter in the context in which it was delivered , can be supported or that it binds this court .
30 In earlier times many learned lawyers seem to have believed that an Act of Parliament could be disregarded in so far as it was contrary to the law of God or the law of nature or natural justice , but since the supremacy of Parliament was finally demonstrated by the Revolution of 1688 any such idea has become obsolete .
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