Example sentences of "so far [conj] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 From the heady acclaim of August 1944 , his popularity descended so far that his resignation provoked surprise but no emotion — a mere twenty-seven per cent of the French people said they wanted him back .
2 Share prices could fall so far that his cash offer for DRG , the Basildon Bond company , starts to look attractive .
3 Er , in so far that my father had been dismissed from the er from the coal mining industry , er before just before nineteen twenty six , and he was officially unemployed .
4 The Court has already held , in its judgment of 23 November 1989 in the Torfaen case , that national rules governing the opening hours of retail premises reflect certain political and economic choices in so far as their purpose is to ensure that working and non-working hours are so arranged as to accord with national or regional socio-cultural characteristics , and that , in the present state of Community law , is a matter for the member states .
5 However , in so far as their purpose is purely redistributive , it seems difficult to provide a rationale for price subsidies or in-kind transfers rather than cash transfers , and yet these latter forms of assistance are extremely important components of public expenditure ( see , e.g. Brennan and Pincus 1983 ) .
6 As the minutes of the conclusions of the conference stated : " Various cases have recently been referred to this HQ in which doubt has been raised as to whether certain formations and groups should be treated as Soviet Nationals in so far as their return to the Soviet Union direct from 5 Corps is concerned . "
7 ‘ Revenue and costs are accrued ( that is , recognised as they are earned or incurred , not as money is received or paid ) , matched with one another so far as their relationship can be established or justifiably assumed , and dealt with in the profit and loss account of the period to which they relate ; provided that where the accruals concept is inconsistent with the prudence concept , the latter prevails . ’
8 My interpretation of the functional significance of these grades began by following Lack 's ( 1954 ) view that the primary adaptations of birds , so far as their dispersion was concerned , were to ensure an adequate food supply .
9 So although consumers may on average be better off so far as their spending power is concerned , they may be worse off overall when environmental factors are taken into account .
10 So far as their work goes it has point only as a mean to these .
11 Thus , the Report considers the universities mainly in so far as their influence could be seen to be reflected back on the school system examinations and the home .
12 According to Marsh and his colleagues ( 1978 ) police intervention is often welcomed by the hooligans in so far as their presence provides a safety valve and prevents the aggro from going too far .
13 He reduced wives , children and servants to the status of ‘ things ’ so far as their relation to husband/father in the family is concerned .
14 Nothing in soft conventionalism guarantees , or even promotes , the ideal of protected expectations , that past decisions will be relied on to justify collective force only so far as their authority and their terms are made uncontroversial by widely accepted conventions .
15 Especially from the Seven Years War in 1757 , the wars in which Britain was involved may have been European and dynastic in origin , but so far as her struggle with France was concerned , they were global in breadth .
16 Jane Cox was 21 , attractive , single and hardworking in so far as her condition allowed .
17 While Gemma — still perfectly good-tempered — remained at the old manor , seeing no one of greater significance , so far as her mother could make out , than the spinster lady who ran the mill school , and the mill manager .
18 In other words , a child with an MLU which falls below the bottom of this range is relatively unusual in so far as her MLU is lower than about 85 per cent of ordinary children .
19 So far as her father was concerned , Molly did n't know what to call him .
20 So far as its origin is concerned , we shall take it as a factor in organic evolution , and shall content ourselves with pointing out certain more primitive features of which it is the natural development .
21 According to the Theory of Relativity , time passes more slowly for objects moving very swiftly ; thus a spacecraft moving at close to the speed of light would take more than 100,000 years to cross our Galaxy , as observed by the rest of us , but only a few years so far as its crew were concerned .
22 East Anglia has a peculiar history also , so far as its landscape is concerned .
23 Speaking at a conference on the ‘ Future of the Irish Country House ’ ( 26 February ) , the Prime Minister of Ireland , Albert Reynolds made a statement of profound importance about how Ireland has come to terms with its Anglo-Irish past , at least so far as its architecture is concerned .
24 True , at death our essence is finally overcome so far as its actualisation in space and time goes , but as long as we live we can go on realizing it in as full a form as circumstances allow .
25 The adulterer is the cause of this in so far as his/her act has allowed a superhuman being to attack the spouse .
26 But in so far as his criticism is based on the right to freedom of expression and its particular relevance where a local or central government authority is concerned , I consider that aspect in the next section of this judgment .
27 ‘ What I could n't see was how the life and death of Someone Else ( whoever he was ) 2000 years ago could help us here and now — except in so far as his example helped us . ’
28 Apollinaire , who in Les Peintres Cubistes had defined Orphic Cubism as being represented only by Delaunay , Léger , Picabia , Duchamp and Picasso in so far as his use of light was significant , now saw Orphic tendencies in Laurencin , Gleizes and Metzinger , and later ( more understandably ) in La Fresnaye .
29 Politically , socially , and economically , the year is ending calmly , so far as our country is concerned . "
30 Reverting for a moment to the last chapter , we saw that we could answer the question of how it is that subsequent generations could acquire the superego organization produced by the primal trauma of human civilization , but only is so far as our answer was limited to archaic hunting societies like those in central Australia .
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