Example sentences of "so far [conj] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So far as systematic training of diplomats was concerned , therefore , the eighteenth century saw projects and suggestions , but little lasting achievement .
2 Claimants for social welfare provisions have not always been in a good position so far as procedural protection is concerned .
3 So far as material culture is concerned , the Siberian peoples fell into two main categories .
4 His Lordship said the defendants were employed , so far as professional skill could , to relieve the wife from the pressures of her matrimonial situation .
5 Radical surgery for prostatic cancer has become acceptable so far as long term functional results are concerned : continence can be maintained or restored in virtually all patients , and potency is maintained in 50–70% of those who are potent preoperatively .
6 Second , in the NATO member states , the relative lack of formal restrictions has contributed to the public unease about defence policy , which is associated in people 's minds with threats of all-out nuclear war : far from assisting deterrence this situation is highly corrosive so far as effective defence and deterrence are concerned .
7 In so far as colonial bureaucracy extended its activities beyond law and order and the collection of revenues , they were perceived of as ‘ nation building responsibilities ’ ( Dube 1964 ) .
8 It was tempting to the author to use one part of his own surname — Kease — which , so far as current research reveals , is unique to his family .
9 But he is not directly accessible in any ordinary sense , nor can the necessity of the concept of God for the interpreting of our experience be demonstrated , at least so far as pure reflection on the nature of our knowledge can take us .
10 In so far as religious thinking was permeated by the spirit of Humanism , religious music also submitted to become the vehicle of the word while pure polyphony of the utmost technical refinement continued to serve the religion of pure unreasoning faith , ‘ the magic of sound matching the magic of faith ’ .
11 So far as digital penetration with one finger is concerned , if this is less serious than other types of penetration , this could be reflected in sentencing .
12 So far as individual counselling on sexual matters is concerned , schools are advised that whilst pastoral care of pupils is an important aspect of the teacher 's role , parents are expected to play their part , so that if a pupil were to approach a teacher for advice the teacher should , wherever possible , encourage the pupil to seek it from his/her parent whilst at the same time warning the pupil of the risks attached to the pupil 's behaviour .
13 So far as serious crime was concerned , three conditions had to be satisfied : the crime had to be really serious ; the normal methods of investigation had to have been tried and failed ; and there had to be good reason to believe that the interception would result in a conviction ( Birkett , 1957 ) .
14 So far as white settlement is concerned , the rapid peopling of the Canadian prairies and north country , of southern , central , and eastern Africa could not have taken place at such a speed without the railway .
15 The following years saw a decline in local music production so far as commercial recording was concerned .
16 So far as English law is concerned , a crucial distinction was drawn in Radio Corporation of America v Rauland Corpn. , decided under the Foreign Tribunals Evidence Act 1856 .
17 Generally speaking , so far as English Law is concerned , it will be necessary to show that there was some ‘ proximity ’ between the damage suffered by the claimant and the engineer 's acts or omissions and that it was reasonably foreseeable that the engineer 's acts or omissions would cause loss to the claimant .
18 So far as natural philosophy , the first of ‘ the two great provinces of speculative science , conversant about ideas received from sense ’ , is concerned , the confusion engendered by materialism is great .
19 So far as adult education is concerned it would seem reasonable to expect some significant response to the women 's movement given the close association between adult education and popular political movements in the formative years , and also because women constitute the majority of students , in current adult education provision .
20 So far as unregistered conveyancing is concerned , both transactions can take place in one document ( see Precedent 27 ) .
21 So far as Cold War issues were concerned , de Gaulle was an anti-Communist but he believed that the bi-polar world of the 1950s had brought an ever-present threat of nuclear conflagration and effectively left the Superpowers as the only states with true independence in foreign affairs .
22 The universe itself is timeless , and , in so far as human religion is concerned , godless and irrelevant .
23 The most important feature is that so far as human hearing 's concerned , each increase of ten decibels , the loudness of the sound doubles .
24 So er , in so far as human nature can be equated with the id , it seems to me , perfectly correct to say that Frob erm , Frob I was going to say , Freud , Freud was a Hobbesian thinker .
25 Such fears , however , should not be dismissed lightly in so far as genetic engineering is still in its infancy .
26 The characteristic network structures of these different types of community are also relevant to the manner in which change may come about , in so far as urban growth tends at first to weaken strong pre-existing rural networks .
27 So far as Old French , or Norman French , is concerned there is an admirable Short Old French Dictionary for Students by Kenneth Urwin ( Oxford paperback 1985 ) .
28 Even if there is nothing legally obligatory about a particular scheme of vertical or horizontal devolution , there is , nevertheless , a measure of political compulsion , particularly so far as horizontal devolution is concerned .
29 There is not space to discuss here even briefly the many controversial issues raised in the literature on corporatism , but in so far as territorial politics are concerned , it must be observed that even if there was or is a trend towards greater centralisation of political representation , this does not at all mean that there might not also be a functional deconcentration towards the periphery in specific cases .
30 His precious sabbatical term was being , so far as academic study was concerned , wasted .
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