Example sentences of "as a response to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This leads him to see the growth of the wage-allowance scheme as a response to problems of unemployment and underemployment which , while they became more visible in years of high food prices , were inherent in social and economic changes taking place in the Speenhamland counties .
2 One of the explanations for the dolphin 's superb streamlining seems to be that while they are swimming their skin surface shifts in folds or ripples , caused not by muscular action but as a response to changes in pressure on different parts of the body .
3 This is because of the widespread development of partial resistance to penicillin and other antibiotics by the gonococcus , due to its evolution as a response to changes in its environment .
4 Contracting out by local authorities has increased under the Conservative government — partly voluntarily and partly as a response to changes in the law requiring them to do so for certain activities .
5 Merton 's ( 1938 ) attempt to explain crime as a response to anomie — the disjuncture between cultural goals of success and legitimate opportunity structures through which success might be realized — has been reproduced over 110 times , a fact which in itself testifies to the importance of this analysis .
6 The study was not concerned mainly with early retirement , and the information it did collect was directed primarily towards early retirement as a response to redundancy .
7 The system has its drawbacks as a response to school truancy .
8 Both these mountainside systems had been developed as a response to communities being forced by hostile forces ( the Masai in the case of the waChagga , and the Nguni in the case of the waTengo ) to live in a restricted area .
9 Thus , so soon after the pronouncement of the intention to restructure industry , through trade unionism , as national co-operatives and so in effect to deny labour to conventionally organised industry , reality compelled the unions to start fashioning themselves as a response to capital rather than as an alternative to it .
10 In fact , the ‘ aesthetic ’ is discussed on the course , but as a problematic rather than as a response to literature .
11 For example , the Functionalist-based theories see crime and delinquency as a response to frustrations arising from lower social position and status .
12 While it is significant as a response to globalization , increased co-operation , is not necessarily indicative of integration .
13 In the latter part of Elizabeth 's reign Burghley began a reform of the system of purveyance , partly perhaps as a response to criticism , partly in an effort to direct the profits of purveyance away from the officials and towards the Crown .
14 Some Indians interpreted this as a response to India 's refusal to offer bases to the Soviet Union .
15 The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) has published a report on the environment , in what is seen as a response to environmentalist criticisms of the organization 's emphasis on free trade [ see SAFE report , below , and also EDs 51 , 52 and 55 ] in the run-up to final negotiations in the current " Uruguay round " of trade talks .
16 It may be more useful to try to consider behaviour , on the one hand , as a response to factors within the system and , on the other , as a response to factors outside the system — i.e. , from the user 's perspective .
17 It may be more useful to try to consider behaviour , on the one hand , as a response to factors within the system and , on the other , as a response to factors outside the system — i.e. , from the user 's perspective .
18 The policy of " resource security of major new industrial wood processing projects " was introduced under Prime Minister Bob Hawke in 1991 , in what was seen as a response to pressure from the timber industry and an impending general election .
19 Surgical procedures may trigger a transient rise in serum CRP as a response to cytokines which are secreted in response to trauma .
20 In his He Who Is : A Study in Traditional Theism ( intended as a response to Martin Buber 's I and Thou ) and in his work Existence and Analogy , Mascall sets out the main arguments of the Thomist .
21 However , I can not condone , as a response to violence , the killing of the person who does that violence .
22 For instance , someone who acts out neurotic conflicts by committing crimes like theft or robbery may be able to represent these activities even to himself as a response to material need rather than unconscious compulsion .
23 The genesis of employers ' associations , however , was not only as a response to trade union growth and militancy because to some degree it was , in addition , a reaction to economic pressures .
24 Whether a compiler is a quality product soon becomes evident , and with some there is the suspicion that they were cobbled together as a response to opposition product innovations .
25 As a response to Jamaica 's high level of debt , the government began in the latter part of 1990 the implementation of a new economic strategy based upon deregulation of major areas of the economy .
26 First , he argued that it is highly artificial to construe all consumption as a response to needs ; while this approach may seem illuminating when it is applied to the consumption of individuals , it can not plausibly be extended to productive consumption , which has to be treated as ‘ the consumption which satisfies the needs of production ’ , if the theory is to be sustained .
27 As a response to events and ideas , economic life has become increasingly politicised and the workings of a modern mixed economy effected by a social contract between government , the corporate sector and the trade unions .
28 Its acreage expanded quickly as a response to demand fuelled by the emergence of the automobile industry .
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