Example sentences of "as she left [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She shed no tears as she left the cottage and made her way along the lane to the priest 's house .
2 Her face set in a mask of intense fury , she slammed the doors hard as she left the court .
3 Strong persuasion was required to keep Curran from her evening doubles match but as she left the court to return to her hotel for physiotherapy , England claimed another point by default .
4 That she was anywhere away from Margaret Lacey and her cronies who would without doubt be waiting for her as she left the school .
5 The intertwined limbs against a dark tree she passed as she left the park seemed beautiful to her .
6 ‘ OK , ’ she nodded quickly , and noticed as she left the veranda that Bill Hamilton had moved closer to his wife 's side and engulfed her slim artist 's hand in his larger , stronger one in a gesture of silent support .
7 The sound of her boots changed as she left the edge of the fireproof field .
8 As she left the cabin she took one of the oilskin jackets out the hanging locker .
9 On Sept. 4 a member of the High Council of the Republic ( HCR ) , Madeleine Adayoma , was flogged by security personnel as she left the Lomé radio studios after taking part in a programme .
10 As she left the phone box , she looked up and down the street for other shops .
11 He saw also the way the Hogans looked after her as she left the kitchen .
12 Worry about finding his half of the mortgage must be getting to her , she realised as she left the kitchen , knowing that just thinking of her brother was not going to conjure him home to pay his dues .
13 ‘ I 'm sure of one thing , ’ Fru Møller said darkly , to no one in particular , as she left the Hall to collect raspberry jam from the kitchen for a guest allergic to strawberries , ‘ the rain wo n't deflect Miss Danziger from her purpose . ’
14 ‘ I remember , ’ Maria returned feelingly , giving Florian a disgusted look as she left the room .
15 As she left the room , Shae slowly turned , her heart hammering in her chest like a jungle drum as she came face to face with Dane .
16 Ana excused herself quickly at the sound of his tight voice and as she left the room Felipe fixed Mitch with a sceptical eye .
17 A parting sniff as she left the room gave the gentleman to understand that he had disappointed her .
18 Theda gave it up , calling to Hector as she left the room .
19 As she left the room and descended the stairs , she speculated wildly on her chances of slipping away undetected .
20 She followed them meekly , avoiding Ling 's watchful eyes as she left the room , although she was well aware of his wide grin .
21 As she left the room , it struck Loretta that he was being uncharacteristically quiet ; perhaps he had had too much to drink ?
22 But as she left the room she had to make an effort not to hurry with excitement down the stairs .
23 Irene watched her anxiously as she left the room .
24 ‘ This is it , ’ breathed Juliet , as she left the car and opened the small white gate .
25 The relief as she left the place and walked along the track that led away from the Hacienda de Nieve was astounding .
26 Kelly 's head was swimming as she left the racecourse .
27 The woman was attacked as she left the Yarm Road branch of Barclay 's Bank at 11am , yesterday .
28 The Queen Mother , who will be 93 this year , said she felt ‘ much better ’ as she left the hospital where she spent 63 hours .
29 The Queen Mother , who will be 93 this year , said she felt ‘ much better ’ as she left the hospital where she spent 63 hours .
30 As she left the stage there were again cries of ‘ More !
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