Example sentences of "as she hear [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Does she ask who it is first or does she just use it as soon as she hears a man 's voice ? ’
2 She bent her head into it as she crossed the yard , only to lift it up sharply as she heard a voice saying , ‘ Psst !
3 Crying Steve 's name with relief , she swung round as she heard a footfall on the dry brush behind her .
4 Ruth tensed as she heard a sound at the door .
5 Her hands stiffened on the keys as she heard the door open .
6 She had a bad moment as she heard the alley door closing behind her , but she was already on her way down .
7 She turned to the door , almost shivering with nerves as she heard the rapid flow of French from the hall and knew that now she was about to meet the woman she had unconsciously hated for the whole of her life .
8 ‘ Please ! ’ she moaned urgently as he lifted his mouth from hers to bury his face against the side of her neck , and excitement leapt as she heard the slight sound of the zip on his jeans being unfastened .
9 Peering round the end shelf as she heard the doorbell ping again , she pulled a face as she saw it was Mrs Beeson .
10 She turned her head as she heard the kitchen door click .
11 Faye lay back again and closed her eyes for a moment , opening them as she heard the rustle of paper .
12 It 's not only the menu that worries me , Robyn thought despondently , as she heard the Range Rover start up ; what about the way I look and feel ?
13 ‘ Better to have loved and lost ’ , ’ she quoted softly to herself , then a smile of sheer female pleasure curved her lips as she heard the sounds of tapping on her bedroom door .
14 The door opened and she held her breath as she sensed him standing by her bed , releasing it as she heard the creak of the other bed .
15 A long time ago , Alice thought , as she heard the arrival of the first of Félix 's dinner guests , she and Harry had longed to be rich in order to buy themselves a house which they could share .
16 She turned round quickly as she heard the sound of a step at the door .
17 In the kitchen , as she heard the sound of the car driving away , she slumped on to a stool , her long hair spilling over her fingers as she dropped her head into her hands with a heavy groan .
18 ‘ I 'll endeavour to employ a shade more vigilance than you did , ’ she returned lightly , then cocked her head to one side as she heard the sound of a siren .
19 At which Miranda had burst into tears , and continued sobbing , holding on to the store detective 's hand as she heard the announcement : ‘ Would Miranda 's mummy please come to Lost and Found .
20 ‘ White , would you think ? ’ she asked , her voice a high squeak , then let her breath out in an explosion of relief as she heard the shop door open and close .
21 The respite was not to last however for , just as she heard the guards wondering aloud if they had hit her , someone on one of the freighters pointed her out with a cry .
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