Example sentences of "as [pron] look [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The undercut cave is dark and mysterious but the lightness of the sandy bottom becomes apparent as I look across the bend , the water becoming shallower as I scan across to the inside of the bend .
2 As I look at the water I hear a distinctive slurp as a chub sucks some morsel through the surface ; then I see the rings rippling away from the spot where it happened .
3 Thus as I look at the figures I see the question in a broader context .
4 As I look at the shabby , commercialised and demoralised society in which I write I am more convinced than ever that the political analysis on which I was brought up was right .
5 For example , that the images that I now call up in my mind as I look at the front door of my house , this is something quite real , but it 's real in a much more radically different , in a radically different sense , there 's a , somehow a radically difference in the kind of reality which that image enjoys , to the reality that that bottle enjoys .
6 Our square red-brick house stands some 100 yards away ( as I look into the Sun ) with its french windows open .
7 As you look at the place you have chosen , daylight turns to dusk ; the colours become muted and the shadows lengthen .
8 As you look at the above diagram of the learning cycle you may well be saying to yourself ‘ Is that all there is to it ?
9 As you look at the street , seeing movement and hearing none , you feel as if an unnatural deafness had come upon you .
10 Now the mission to Colesfield was with the crew that you have pictures , have the picture of , as you look at the picture from left to right standing in the back is or I should say , , , and his home town was Louisiana , he was a waste gunner .
11 Just as you look at the candle flame there burning , erm it 's a symbol .
12 As you look at the fine architecture of this cell , keep in mind the fact that all that complexity is repeated 125 million times in each retina .
13 And look on the feelings , etc. , as you look on a way of regarding the language-game , as interpretation ’ ; ‘ We are not analysing a phenomenon ( e.g. thought ) but a concept ( e.g. that of thinking ) , and therefore the use of a word ’ ; ‘ a concept is in its element with the language-game ’ .
14 Just as long as you look for the Cotton USA Mark .
15 No it the the head of the bed was up against the far wall the as you look in the room on the right .
16 Help us as we look to the future .
17 They should be borne in mind as we look at the final symptom of this ‘ strange rise ’ : the dispersal of the libraries , and the libraries themselves caught in this downward spiral .
18 Who but the lunatic fringe thinks colour is the issue now — as we look at the decaying bones of our great compassionate nation , gnawed by whining , idle , dirty , anti-social rats of all colours … ’
19 There are three further surprises for us as we look at the Old Testament teaching about the Spirit of God .
20 Paul writes that he is ‘ in ’ God — and as we look at the way that he wrote other letters , it is clear that he made a great effort to maintain that special relationship .
21 As we look at the shambles of England 's national football team under the direction of a manager seemingly bereft of ideas or inspiration , and watch our cricketers humbled match after match , there is a feeling of shame as well as inevitable frustration .
22 ‘ In the next few months we will see what the public think we should spend our money on , as we look at the results of a survey . ’
23 Similarly , I think , as we look into the past , there are different versions of the past .
24 I see ( and Summerchild sees ) the young provincial historian becoming even more silent and preoccupied than Summerchild himself as they look at the worn carpets and unoccupied chairs .
25 Chelsea will decide whether to sign Szewczyk in the next 48 hours as they look for a replacement for injured Paul Elliott .
26 We spoke in earlier chapters of people 's search for meaning as they look for the person who has died , and saw that at such times a sortie into faith healing or clairvoyance is quite common .
27 So , many leading-edge manufacturers are searching for ways to enhance their workers ' capabilities and improve labour relations , even as they look to the new technology to cut labour costs as well . ’
28 Disraeli Gears from Tesside are rather different as they look to the energy and rawness of the Sixties rather the dull produced stomp of Nineties ' heavy rock/ metal .
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