Example sentences of "his eyes [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He stood very still , staring about him , his eyes adjusting to the glowing heat .
2 Robyn could smell the freshness of his cologne , see the way his eyes crinkled at the corners , notice for the first time the thickness of his lashes , the way his ebony hair would curl if allowed to grow long .
3 His eyes strained through the darkness , trying to pick out the familiar , heavyweight figure of Tony 's father trudging his flatfooted way back up the prom .
4 She saw his eyes go to the coat fixture , and guessed that he knew the jacket hanging there belonged to Travis when he went and took it from its hanger .
5 Bill Lawrence , his eyes gleaming with the hunting passion , pounced on the fragments of encrusted ceramic and bone that were left behind in the police sieves , and Gus industriously entered their location in his graph , and sketched in each layer of masonry as it emerged .
6 Their limbs entwined , he slowly and gently at first and then with a mounting fierceness made love to her again , his eyes gleaming with the triumph of possession as her pliant body instantly surrendered , both to his sensual touch and the low , husky murmur of his voice .
7 His dark brows rose , his eyes gleaming in the reflected light .
8 The Friar frowned , checked his ho-hoings and allowed his eyes to flicker from the enemies in front .
9 He leaned forward , his forearms resting on his knees , his eyes riveted to the portable radio at his feet as he waited for the pitcher 's next delivery .
10 ‘ And this is Señor Mitchell , ’ he introduced as Mitch came up , his eyes riveted on the girl 's face .
11 Rain saw his eyes go to the clock .
12 Claudia cried out , and his eyes widened at the shock mirrored on her face .
13 ‘ When he takes his glasses off , his eyes flinch from the impact of the open air , ’ said Finn .
14 He was keeping his head pointed firmly downwards , but he could feel a disresonance and his eyes searched over the stencilling shading of rock , scrub and moor .
15 Climbing out , stood for a few seconds to let his eyes adjust to the pale moonlight , then he stepped through the gap and began to pick his way carefully down the uneven terrain of the slope , towards the crashed car below .
16 ‘ Well done , Tsu Ma ? ’ each said before moving on , expecting no answer ; seeing how he stood there , his arms limp at his sides , his broad chest heaving , his eyes locked on the fallen figure on the floor beneath him .
17 He pushed past them frantically , his eyes smarting from the dust .
18 His eyes drifted over the side .
19 Oliver ate eagerly , his eyes wandering to the corner of the room where there was a large , square object covered with a piece of sacking .
20 His eyes swung round the room , but his mother and sister were sitting together on the sofa , playing with the baby , while his father , cup and saucer in hand , stood by the window with his uncles and the fierce-looking old man who was his grandfather .
21 ‘ And you , ’ his eyes took in the other four , ‘ to your tasks , if you please . ’
22 His eyes flicked to the man from time to time , making sure he came no nearer .
23 Nervously his eyes flicked over the screen .
24 Bicker shrugged , but his eyes flicked over the fire for a second to Riven .
25 His eyes darted to the door .
26 His eyes darted along the beach in reckless agony , which no amount of jogging or kayaking was able to dispel .
27 He looked pale and serious as his eyes scampered round the room until they found the telephone .
28 He looked up and let his eyes move across the rows of faces before him .
29 As his eyes adjusted to the scorching dry heat , he saw that the slaves were all lightly clad ; in the main , they wore ragged breeches , with the upper halves of their bodies and their feet bare .
30 His eyes moved along the branch and came to rest on a brilliant blue bird sitting there .
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