Example sentences of "his [noun pl] fix [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The assassin 's blow threw him back against the wall , hitting it so hard he brought books tumbling from the shelves , but before the assassin 's fingers found his throat he delivered a punch to the man 's belly that must have touched some tender place , because the assault ceased , and the attacker let him go , his eyes fixed for the first time on Gentle 's face .
2 But all the time he found his eyes fixed to the rear mirror , looking for a sign of pursuit .
3 He was staring straight ahead , his eyes fixed to the road .
4 Vincent walked out into the middle of the road and stood there , his eyes fixed on the distant comer around which the hearse had disappeared .
5 ‘ He 's coming this way , ’ said Lee who was still looking at Jack as he came up to the gate , his eyes fixed on the gun .
6 Behind him , Briant sat calmly , legs outstretched , his hands thrust into the pockets of his near-white coat , his eyes fixed on the toes of his highly polished shoes as he rocked his crossed ankles in a slow rhythm .
7 The rats fled and Corbett fell back on the ledge , chest heaving , sobbing with anger and fear , his eyes fixed on the grating , praying for dawn .
8 He passed beside them all , seeing no one , his eyes fixed on the sea and the skiff , and the two great ships and the galleys beyond , all of them flying the Lusignan flag .
9 The redoubtable driver just keeps his eyes fixed on the road .
10 Leslie nodded , his eyes fixed on the floor .
11 ‘ I was thinking of a smoke myself , ’ he said , his eyes fixed on the pouch , as if staring it down , ‘ if I had a few minutes in hand . ’
12 He kept his eyes fixed on the crest of the hill over which she would appear freewheeling down on her bicycle , black hair streaming and her long skirt ballooning out on either side like a bat 's wings .
13 Clinton asked , his eyes fixed on the tiny square .
14 She found him standing in front of the fireplace , his eyes fixed on the clock .
15 ‘ Jesus Christ , ’ muttered Gregson , his eyes fixed on the name of Lucas .
16 Habib Olahi , a stocky man , still stood at attention , his eyes fixed on the rich carpet .
17 Ward leaned forward across the table , his eyes fixed on the man 's face , his tone aggressive as he said , ‘ The Triple A was based on the ESMA , the Navy Mechanics ’ School . ’
18 He passed the serviette to me , his eyes fixed on the man .
19 Matthew had his eyes fixed on the desk and did not look up .
20 Athelstan turned from the familiar , domestic sight and knelt before the altar , his eyes fixed on the red light .
21 He kept his eyes fixed on the upper storey , but there was no sign of life , nor could he detect any female voice crying through the shouts of the firemen .
22 Hrun nodded , his eyes fixed on the latest picture .
23 Benjamin nodded , his eyes fixed on the ground .
24 Show respect , ’ said Garvey to Lucie , who was leaning against the corner strut of the stage with his eyes fixed on the far horizon .
25 ‘ One hundred and fifty guineas is being asked for the freehold , ’ stated the assistant , his eyes fixed on the bottom line of the schedule .
26 He shook his head , settling back again in his chair , his eyes fixing on the silvery ribbon of water swirling away between the trees .
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