Example sentences of "we be told [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Yet the frustratingly small amount we are told about the marriage emerges in the form of Paulina 's anguished revelations rather than as the outcome of discussion and challenge .
2 In Acts 21 , we are told about the strong feelings of the rank-and-file members of the church in Jerusalem .
3 With the nervous worry comes the loneliness : ‘ The house is quiet as the grave ’ , and the fear of the future : ‘ Though we have registered we are told at the American consulate it may last [ take ] years until we get the possibility of emigrating , the quota being overcharged . ’
4 For we are told at the start that the effects of their psychological traits are ‘ accidents ’ , as opposed to the main stuff of social explanation .
5 Here we are told for the first time such details as that the Moreens are American , that they require a resident tutor for their sickly child , and that Pemberton is looking for the tutor 's job ; or rather , we are not told , but are led to infer these facts , for James avoids a direct statement of them .
6 Given the bodily likeness of the great apes to ourselves , and what we are told of the similarities of brain-size and structure , sensory apparatus , pregnancy span , and early cognitive competence , this is as it should be .
7 After Munich in a very short year we were at war , and by all accounts it was a very different manner of acceptance of war than we are told of the 1914 war .
8 In volume two of " The Glasgow Geography " of 1825 we are told in the short entry that " wheat is also raised in considerable quantity " and that about 3000 head of black cattle are sold annually .
9 In volume two of " The Glasgow Geography " of 1825 we are told in the short entry that " wheat is also raised in considerable quantity " and that about 3000 head of black cattle are sold annually .
10 We are told in the notes on clauses that the management committee of the staff pension fund consists of group representatives and staff representatives in equal numbers , and that the management committee of TOPS consists of four members from the management of the Scottish Transport Group and three members from the trade unions , representing the workers .
11 As the Psalmist does not mention the destruction of the city or the deportation of the people , the context can hardly be the destruction of Jerusalem in 586 B.C. But the description does not correspond either to what we are told in the Books of Maccabees about the defilement of the Temple in 167 B.C. , when only the priests ' chamber was destroyed and only the gates burned ( I Mac .
12 Answer guide : Fixed costs , we are told in the question , will be constant whatever the volume of sales ; it follows that fixed costs will be irrelevant to the decision as to which products should be produced and sold .
13 This is a world where , in Walt 's own words , ‘ If you can dream it , you can do it , ’ and where , as we are told by the audio-animatronic family which takes us through history in the Carousel Of Progress pavilion , ‘ These are the best days of your life . ’
14 Quite separate and distinct , so we are told by the professions concerned , are the pre-school facilities run by local education authorities-nursery classes .
15 We are told by The Observer that the hon. Member for Livingston is now running as part of a comic team with the hon. Member for Kingston upon Hull , East ( Mr. Prescott ) — a wonderful pantomime horse — in seeking the job of the Leader of the Opposition .
16 We are told by the Government that we must be prepared to tolerate environmental devastation and a senseless waste of more than £1,000 million worth of extra public money because the Ove Arup route is necessary if prosperity is to come from the regeneration of east London and the east Thames corridor .
17 As we are told by the idea that ‘ the idling spirit by its own moods interprets , every where echo or mirror seeking of itself ’ we realise the poet 's argument that our subjective perception of an event is more important than the event itself ; our creative response to an action is all-important , therefore .
18 Forrester seems to have played a lovely game , or so we are told by the Sunday tabloids .
19 The house scene is dead , we 're told by the older club cognoscenti ; in fact ‘ before you could say Happy Flowered Roses , it was all over ’ ( NME ) .
20 They changed that , so the money er it 's a bit different than the Maxwell , the money has n't been erm a switched over to the Cayman Islands and all over the place , it 's it 's stayed in , in the but of course we 're told by the trustees and by our legal advice that nothing illegal 's taken place , the money 's been used to st er finance early voluntary retirement etcetera , etcetera .
21 Even if Mr Major really means it and he does n't intend to do a Nigel Lawson , a sort of nineteen eighty seven trick , er surely he can almost hardly help himself , because the pound and shares are doing very well at the moment ; we 're told by the economists that there 's a good six months of honeymoon period , er and people feel a great pent up demand , people have a great pent up demand , which is now being released .
22 We 're told in the report that small firms with less than twenty people have a fatal and major accident rate forty percent higher than firms employing over a thousand .
23 Included in the recommendations is for a two day training course , costing fifty thousand for two thousand places it 's excellent except we 're told in the report that we ca n't get people on courses however good they is es especially among , er , small companies .
24 Again we were told about the unjustified actions of the British Army in shooting these men .
25 We spent a pleasant evening with Bob at the Springfield Hotel , the most northerly pub , in the British Isles where , amongst other anecdotes , we were told about the customs officer from Lerwick who was staying on Unst one very wet and stormy night , and awoke to find the roof of his bedroom had blown off .
26 Oh we Oh I suppose we were told about the war but being young and heedless we would not take it all in .
27 But oh we were told about the war and what was happening between the Germans and whatnot .
28 We 've been losing sleep with worry since we were told about the arrests .
29 There were no immediate changes , it went on from private enterprise , the changeover We were told at the time that we were just just to carry on the way we 'd been doing .
30 Er , Chairman erm , I do believe that this has always been an issue erm of vested interests and bureaucracy administration but all I want to say to members of the council today as a member of the youth and community advisory committee is that extremely serious er far reaching decisions are gon na have to be taken because we were told at the last meeting of that sub committee that just to stand still because of the changes in legislation regarding transfer of funds to the er F E funding council , we will lose a further two million pounds next year so even if we er do not have to find any cuts within our own budget that money is going out of this authority 's budget it may come back in in commissioning agreements but because of the different timescale that the funding council works on we probably wo n't know that when we come to set our budget and really the issue for the Labour group I think in particular as councillor has said , is the question of budgetary control .
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