Example sentences of "we do [not/n't] want [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But the whole point of recruiting in a geographical area like this is we do n't want we do n't want to send people erm er miles away from their home if we can avoid it .
2 We do n't want we have n't lo we wo n't
3 You know the type of thing : ‘ Take it easy with the old boys , we do n't want they injuring themselves ’ .
4 ‘ But we do n't want him just to put them into a cupboard ? ’
5 We do n't want him to be compromised . ’
6 But all our speakers are chosen by the Pre-retirement Council and by your employers by the way who over a period of time have selected the Oh well we do n't want him again or that firm again .
7 We do n't want him to get the wind , do we ?
8 We do n't want him to be sick now . ’
9 And he added : ‘ We do n't want him at the club and if I have anything to do with it , he 's not coming back at all . ’
10 At a separate news conference , Sugar was in equally confident mood , telling reporters : ‘ We do n't want him at the club and if I have anything to do with it , he 's not coming back at all . ’
11 We do n't want him grandma that 's why he ca n't get
12 Yes I said , no , I said next year we 'll have tickets but if it 's the same whatsit we do n't want him .
13 We do n't want him !
14 Remember to keep these screws well back , to be hidden by the frame , because although the Faithful kneeling at the altar are meant to have their minds on other things , this is professional woodwork and we do n't want them peering up the legs of our fixings .
15 We do n't want them around us . ’
16 We do n't want them climbing the walls , ’ Mr Flokati said .
17 Ian Boyd , whose firm in Biggin Hill , Kent , printed the shirts for the singer 's British fan club , said : ‘ We do n't want them back , but it would be nice to get paid . ’
18 President-elect Clinton , in the second day of his barnstorming session on the economy in Little Rock , Arkansas said of the IBM cut-backs ‘ That kind of investment is the exact thing we do n't want them to be cutting . ’
19 And we do n't want them fighting us . "
20 Er and obviously if we 've got thousands of those coming to each three regional offices we 've got to find some method of distributing them , we do n't want them left in the office do we ?
21 We do n't want them coming home later , to tell what happened .
22 It , we 'll we 'll put those in this loose-leaf format where we can sli whip out all the BES ones etcetera if we do n't want them
23 We do n't want them to be with us .
24 We do n't want them to wear our clothes-styles and use our language and have our interests .
25 ‘ But ’ Agnes decided ‘ even if it was the Secret Service we do n't want them knowing you 're off to St Louis and points West any more then we want the Bravoes …
26 " The exhibitors thought they just wanted a big shed , " Bizat phlegmatically recalls , " and their view was " all we want people to see is our stands , we do n't want them looking anywhere else " , so they disliked the idea ofa setting that was attractive in itself But the then architect , Dr Peter Smith , wanted to bring the Palace back to its previous glory .
27 We do n't want them thinking they 've been sold short or rumbled . ’
28 As long as we can get them inside , we do n't want them outside do we ?
29 Keep your choices , we do n't want them .
30 We do n't want them here .
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