Example sentences of "we [verb] the present [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With the larger numbers to be attained , attempts will be made to correlate our findings with various clinical features and environmental factors , to analyse the meaning of the association we described the present study .
2 Thus we designed the present experiments to investigate the effect of NO synthase inhibition on gall bladder muscular activity in vivo and in vitro .
3 Until we remove the present government from Westminster , then Europe is going to struggle to do us a great deal of good .
4 From the point of view of social and economic policy I believe we face a choice : either we accept the present trends which will lead inevitably to a decline in individual freedom and responsibility and the restriction of opportunities for our children and grandchildren or else we face the seemingly impossible task of dismantling the corporate state .
5 There was William Foreman , a pioneer of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants , Alexander Wilkie , the general secretary of the Associated Society of Shipwrights and former MP for Dundee , and there were John Wilson and William Crawford of the Durham Miners , both Members of Parliament for divisions of the County Palatine in the 1880s , not to mention one of the most respected leaders of his day , Robert Knight of the Boilermakers to whom we owe the present day Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions .
6 They recommended we maintain the present scoring system .
7 It seems clear that if we pursue the present forms of control the judiciary will inevitably continue to be embroiled in decision-making which is of a broadly political nature in a double sense .
8 The answer is that if we find the present state of affairs unsatisfactory , we have an obligation to try to come up with something better .
9 Finally we outline the present scope of Articles 85 and 86 as applied to mergers .
10 We would suggest that Tutors discuss the fact that if we use the present system the order for 200 hang gliders will take 600 hours of labour which given we are using 160 hours per month would mean that this order will take in excess of another three months to fill .
11 We discussed the present situation and the representations that we had made to the People 's Republic of China , and I reaffirmed the fact that I would continue to make such representations .
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