Example sentences of "we [verb] [vb pp] to get the " in BNC.

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1 Which is why we 've got to get the typescript to her by the end of January .
2 Yeah , okay so there 's an H C L and we 've got to get the N A from something , that 's the acid and now we need an alkali .
3 If the table was , I mean we 've got to get the .
4 We 've got to get the men .
5 Is that sort of thing , presumably we 've got to get the racking people back in to do that have we ?
6 We 've got to get the things to do but quite often if you are , we 've got to have those things to do you 've got finish by a particular time .
7 And we 've got to get the pipe bender have n't we ?
8 Erm they 're in no hurry to join but with this second period er from September or was it October and erm once again there is this idea that , you know , the tide is turning and they , they will now join erm they wo n't find it so hard to join as the rich peasants but once again they 're not as enthusiastic and maybe they should be but they are , they are helping more but er er and this is the key er for which you know Mao talked about later is that we 've got to get the middle peasant actually actively involved
9 For example on the building that we 're talking about shifting , first of all we 've got to find a site for the thing , then we 've got to get planning permission , then we 've got to get the actual permission of the owner of the land , then we 've got to make sure that erm electricity 's laid on , that there 's water laid on , that there 's some sort of toilet or other facilities and so on , and when you add all that up it 's quite a complicated sort of series of bureaucratic procedures you 've got to go through and it 's not a question of , you know , of people saying to us as Councillors well , you know , do this for us and we can magic it out in six months out of thin air _ there 's an awful lot of paperwork that 's got to be gone through and an awful lot of people to see and an awful lot of red tape , really , to get through first — I mean just to make sure that the thing 's safe and complies with health and safety standards — and that 's something which you have to get across to young people and if they 're involved in the actual discussions on this and involved in the organisation , they begin to see the complexities and they 're less inclined , I think , to automatically assume that erm people are n't on their side and do n't want to listen .
10 For example , on the building that we 're talking about shifting , first of all we 've got to find a site for the thing , then we 've got to get planning permission , then we 've got to get the actual permission of the owner of the land , then we 've got to make sure that erm electricity 's laid on , that there 's erm water laid on , that there 's some sort of toilet or other facilities and so on , and when you add all that lot up , it 's quite a complicated sort of series of bureaucratic procedures you 've got to go through , and it 's not a question of , you know , of people saying to us , ‘ Well , as councillors , well , do this for us , ’ and we can magic it out in six months out of thin air .
11 We have to tax those parking spaces , make them use the Park and Drive , but we 've got to get the carrot there first and the carrot is a much better operated Park and Drive .
12 We have managed to get the rest of Europe to come up to our standards , get rid of vaccination and introduce a slaughter policy in relation to foot and mouth disease .
13 We have got to get the old Arsenal habits back again and become hard to beat and competitive all over the pitch .
14 We have got to get the system changed , it 's crazy to forecast what dentists ’ expenses will be and then adjust them afterwards .
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