Example sentences of "we [am/are] looking at the " in BNC.

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1 The existence of these different anatomical plans , without intermediates , again raises the question of whether there are only a small number of possible body plans , represented by the existing phyla , or whether we are looking at the end results of a series of historical accidents .
2 Here we are looking at the same argument using the energy input in absolute terms .
3 We are looking at the pension and life assurance scheme . ’
4 Also , we are looking at the figurine market in the USA — new style figurines , for example , in porcelain , might be of interest in the future .
5 We are looking at the training arrangements and are anxious to ensure that our future forces receive the best and most relevant forms of training in the most efficient and cost-effective way .
6 We are looking at the matter and it is currently being considered by the Department .
7 We are looking at the possibilities of using other Guinness commercials which we can edit or modify using local models , ’ says , the Guinness brand manager at PTGI .
8 With reference to Fig. 1.1 we are looking at the search space bounded by the x and the z axis .
9 Well , we are looking at the situation and I think that 's all we can say about that .
10 I think we are looking at the advantages and disadvantages of erm various types of problems that might occur .
11 We are looking at the all-round development of the child , not just narrow academic achievement , ’ added Ms Robinson .
12 Tonks said : ‘ We are looking at the situation on a day-to-day basis .
13 There are no definite plans but we are looking at the options for the future . ’
14 But they are the exceptions and it has to be stressed we are looking at the patient in a wider context .
15 ‘ We 'll look at that when we 're looking at the commercial and marketing risk .
16 We 're looking at the resistance mechanisms and hope to develop technology to control insects by stopping them developing resistance . ’
17 After a pause , she adds , ‘ But we 're looking at the technology . ’
18 We 're looking at the picture , papa , ’ Branwell said .
19 We 're looking at the roads er for North Yorkshire this Saturday afternoon .
20 Because of course we 're looking at the importance of bringing this on right from the time that a man joins as a recruit , and I realize that 's when they 're very vulnerable indeed , they 're unfit probably , they 're nervous , they 're not a team yet , and we 've developed all sorts of things .
21 Yeah , but we 're looking at the financial side , are n't we really ?
22 with , everything is being reduced , and everything is being squeezed , we 're looking at the , the mentally er , handicapped people er , and their report , we 're being pressurized to look after them as well .
23 If we 're looking at the question of services coming together to deal with the emergency erm obviously I suppose the army and that will come in on a voluntary basis which but it might be necessary to see where someone could be authority to coordinate the services and bring it whatever is required .
24 we 're looking at the most likely scenario being appointing nobody , and if we do appoint somebody a complaint examiner , it seems ,
25 Erm , right , we 'll have Shirley as the client , and we 're a life company and we 're looking at the cost of providing Shirley with life cover .
26 So we 're looking at the amount we take out of her plan each month to cover for life cover .
27 Mr Chairman I , I mentioned that whilst welcoming the report , erm our motion is to say is , is of a more general nature , we 're looking at the , what is really has er greater standing for financial costs and other practical difficulties involved in increasing the proportion of waste erm who acts as that recycled in the County and apparent progress in meeting government recycling are not being too much and what needs a job and whilst we recognise that responsibility with this requires primarily with the District Council rather than County Council as their question of authority erm it 's an area that we have n't had much erm , the , there has n't been perhaps to the environment committee for some , some time now and I would like to s to actually look at this , look at this again because it is a fairly fast moving , ch changing area , so erm this really is then more of a general , general information and to look at it again .
28 Right , so we 're looking at the right price as well , O K , and what else are we looking for ?
29 Erm , we 're looking at the modern approach to th or modern evalu evaluation of the approach .
30 As we 're looking at the Essex News , there 's the result of the quiz there .
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