Example sentences of "but you [modal v] tell [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Oh , but you are , but you must tell them afterwards .
2 But you must tell me all about it , I ca n't wait to hear .
3 The six of us here will all attend to your news , but you will tell it with your back to the men , and you will not expect to read what we think on our faces .
4 And er the fact that she 's obviously gone on without it was awful , when she was pregnant the second time round she did n't make a big thing of being pregnant but you could tell she was pregnant but I never quite liked to say to her just in case they had the amnio amnio whatever it is and decided not to go
5 The visitor was wearing a suit , but you could tell he was n't in the City as it was single-breasted .
6 ‘ You do n't know what scale it was , but you can tell him Dieter says he 's sorry . ’
7 ‘ Perhaps not , ’ a fresh voice drawled , ‘ but you can tell me a few preliminary conclusions .
8 I know you were getting pissed off with Edward needling you like that , but you can tell me , surely .
9 yes , it also er imposes on me the obligation of course erm under G of article three does n't it ? which I imagine , but you can tell me if I 'm wrong Mr is the one , is probably the one article erm , part of the article under which such things is the insurance directive is er produced , but I maybe wrong
10 ‘ I 'm not getting involved , ’ said Constance , ‘ but you can tell her from me no good 'll come of it . ’
11 but you can tell what the bar man was thinking
12 You know up the side street but now it 's used as a as a store house but you can tell it 's a it 's an old establishme and and they used to get full you know .
13 it 's just a bit in the air , but you can tell it 's going a bit damp now anyway
14 You look at Sir Tom on the screen and it does n't matter what part he 's playing but you can tell he 's a great guy .
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