Example sentences of "but [pers pn] [be] argue that " in BNC.

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1 I am not arguing that there are no uses for a conceptual demarcation of classes quite distinct from the demarcations present within popular ideology — on the contrary , I have used such a demarcation in previous chapters — but I am arguing that the latter demarcations have a real importance and should not be dismissed as merely ‘ subjective ’ .
2 Nevertheless , Tories did remain committed to the principles of passive obedience , non-resistance and indefeasible hereditary right , but they were to argue that none of these had been compromised by the Glorious Revolution .
3 The interpretation of the super-structures naturally presents greater problems , but it is argued that most had gabled roofs with rafters resting on wall plates below head height .
4 Strictly speaking , collocations represent syntagmatic and paradigmatic knowledge rather than semantic , but it is argued that they represent the implicit application of syntactic , semantic and pragmatic knowledge [ Sharman , 1990 ] , and for reasons of simplicity have been referred to as a source of semantic information .
5 Not only were their needs felt to threaten the living standards of other groups , but it was argued that these needs should be given less priority : ‘ It is dangerous to be in any way lavish to old age , until adequate provision .
6 Section 7(1) could be construed as applying to previous enactments , but it was argued that it applied also to subsequent enactments .
7 Neither had any wish that the shares should be transferred to him but it was argued that , on the basis of the House of Lords ' decision , the passing of the beneficial interest to them was a ‘ transfer ’ of which notice should have been given , thus entitling other members to acquire the shares at a fair price .
8 Local income taxes might be thought capable of performing better against the criterion of equity , but it was argued that they would be difficult to administer in the UK , for the reasons outlined by Kay and King ( 1986 ) .
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