Example sentences of "but [prep] the whole [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Edward I , considering himself sovereign lord of both countries , appointed his own Warden not so much to keep the peace along a border whose very existence he denied , but for the whole Keeping of Scotland .
2 These courses are a very important initiative not just for this diocese but for the whole country at a time when we need to find new ways of helping lay people and priests to work together in furthering the mission of the church .
3 But for the whole country to flourish , the richer regions must yield all they could spare to help feed and develop the poorer ; and the manpower , too , must be deployed where it was needed to defend the vulnerable harbours and pirate bases of the north and the west , with all the consequent problems of travel in that wild land of mountain and river .
4 For the sake not just of the American people but for the whole world , we pray that Mr Clinton will fulfill his promise .
5 Such was the prophetic hope , not only for the Suffering Servant or the Messiah of Israel but for the whole people of God .
6 I desire the reader to remember that I do not make use of the word people for the mere vulgar or mobile , but for the whole community , consisting of clergy , nobility and commons …
7 But for the whole economy the increase is only 1.9 per cent , better than the 1970s but lower than the 1960s .
8 What one needs is a way of doing the sum over histories not just for particles but for the whole fabric of space and time as well .
9 Suppose that the strategy involves real innovation — not only for the group but for the whole industry .
10 But during the whole thing David never stuck up for us — that 's what really got me .
11 ‘ It 's not just about manufacturing but about the whole business .
12 But , you see , we have the resources to create an image not just of the conductor or the orchestra but of the whole ensemble of the music and the performers .
13 In a striking image , Winnicott describes the mother 's face as a mirror in which the baby perceives the image not only of her/himself , but of the whole world into which she/he has been born .
14 I believe that it is in the interests not only of the United Kingdom but of the whole world that we should seek to pursue much more vigorously the possibility of a comprehensive ban on nuclear testing .
15 This was to be his most important contribution towards the new Foreign Office , but throughout the whole campaign , he unswervingly pursued what he considered to be the ideal solution to the problem .
16 I 'm a bit wary of explaining things , but throughout the whole album you can hear this person who is very small and very confused , confronted by different situations as they roll past him .
17 It should not be tethered to subjects that do not interest it but like the whole organism , it must find what is its bent and true interest and follow that all its life .
18 I was n't angry with the attackers , not with the malais , not even with my stupid self but with the whole situation .
19 A surface like a quilt , interwoven with patches of dark and light — blood cells , veins , muscles etc. — but with the whole canvas painted with a flesh-coloured brush .
20 They 're the same guns — and bullets — that we use today , but in the whole village , only about seven or eight of them are left . ’
21 But within the whole network of movement , some moments are more critical than others , and there is a definite rhythm of change .
22 The flash that followed seemed to come not just from the magazine itself but from the whole width of the horizon .
23 In some cases the disqualification is not only from a particular event within a tournament , but from the whole tournament .
24 3 He maintains full power in the follow-through , not merely from the arm or shoulder , but from the whole body .
25 Then the light went , not just from his cheek but from the whole world .
26 The development of this style , then , should be credited not only to architects , but to the whole range of bureaucratic and business interests , academics , developers and systems builders , and the various strata of decision makers .
27 This was a message not only to Jairus but to the whole Church :
28 Constitutionally chief officers are not responsible to the ruling group or committee chairmen , but to the whole council which they are obliged to keep informed of facts , law and all other considerations relevant to decision-making .
29 The electorate rejected them and they put that before the quality services and the social responsibility that we have as Councillors , not just to ourselves and our wards , but to the whole district and the community as Councillor continually reminds us .
30 When one passes such messages back to one 's constituents , they say , ’ Who will do something to stop this nuisance , which is causing enormous problems not only to me but to the whole area ? ’
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