Example sentences of "i sat [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I was up early next morning with a clanging hangover , and as I sat beside the bed watching Dana sleep , I wrote one of the several poems of that period about insomnia and my vigil over my sleeping friend 's form , ‘ The Lonely Insomniac ’ :
2 He shouted at me so I sat under the table and waited for him to put some food down .
3 Normally a sucker , I sat under the piano and chewed ravenously , ripping the cellophane off the next and the next as I did so .
4 Well , I sat through the service , tryin' not ter fall asleep , an' then the tea an' biscuits came round .
5 The point I I simply wanted to make which is why I I sat through the debate , erm is the honourable member for Edinburgh Central er in his er speech er which I I must say I did expect , called for stronger regulations , er we had the argument the other week about whether there should be statutory regulations or whether we should make er the er self regulation system that we have with financial services industries work .
6 From where I sat above the computer wizardry , it looked as though all three girls touched simultaneously .
7 The next problem was how to deliver it , since I sat at the back in English ( our next lesson ) and Belinda sat at the front — which was how I knew that her hair touched her chair !
8 A lovely lady , Molly Braithwaite , came to teach , and one day as I sat at the back I felt ‘ Surely I could do a little of that gently swinging ’ , picked up a club , and was off ‘ moving with the Medau ’ .
9 I sat at the kitchen table , staring at the blind white blankness in front of me , and slowly , like a clear spring welling up from the common earth , the poem rose and spread and filled me , unstoppable as flood water , technique unknotting even as it ran , like snags rolled away on the flood .
10 I SAT AT THE BAR of the Late Nite Lounge , watching the floor show .
11 Back in my room , I sat at the desk and considered .
12 About 8 p.m. that evening Taff and I sat at the side of our slit trench eating what I thought was a rather dubious lump of meat .
13 I sat at the front of the coach , next to the driver .
14 At dinner the two cholerics carried on a huddled conversation while I sat at the end of the row feeling the cutlery might melt in my hands .
15 In any case it would be better if I sat at the table , the light was better there and I should not get lazy .
16 I sat at the table we used to use and tried to think what I really believed .
17 For half the trip I sat on the floor of the plane , holding the boy 's hand , watching the drip .
18 I sat on the floor and played with the children .
19 I sat on the floor among them and picked oakum .
20 I sat on the floor and looked up .
21 The shelves towered above me and from where I sat on the floor it looked as though all of my toys were staring straight at me .
22 I found the whisky , let myself out of the cellar and locked it , turned all the lights out , gave Mrs McSpadden the bottle , accepted a belated new-year kiss from her , then made my way out through the kitchen and the corridor and the crowded hall where the music sounded loud and people were laughing , and out through the now almost empty entrance hall and down the steps of the castle and down the driveway and down to Gallanach , where I walked along the esplanade — occasionally having to wave or say ‘ Happy New Year ’ to various people I did n't know — until I got to the old railway pier and then the harbour , where I sat on the quayside , legs dangling , drinking my whisky and watching a couple of swans glide on black , still water , to the distant sound of highland jigs coming from the Steam Packet Hotel , and singing and happy-new-year shouts echoing in the streets of the town , and the occasional sniff as my nose watered in sympathy with my eyes .
23 I sat on the edge of the bed and wrote him a letter in my mind :
24 I sat on the edge of the bed and felt the earth rolling .
25 I sat on the edge of a chair .
26 I sat on the edge of the area all the morning until a solution was found .
27 That night , as I sat on the edge of my bed , contemplating the tatter of pop posters sellotaped to the flower-patterned wallpaper of my bedroom , I found myself shaking .
28 For a while I sat on the edge of the bed until Benjamin joined me .
29 I sat on the edge of Simon 's desk as there were no chairs .
30 THIS SEASON of violent contrasts started for me on TV-am where , as part of the Christmassy Victorianisation of After Nine , I sat on the sofa in bustle and bare bosom ( well , upper bosom anyway ) and suitably black-lace-becapped to be a Fin de Siecle ( nineteenth variety ) agony aunt .
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