Example sentences of "i [vb mod] go for a " in BNC.

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1 I might go for a stroll to get up an appetite — the exercise 'll do me good . ’
2 Perhaps I 'll go for a walk in the forest and see if I can sort something out . ’
3 I 'll go for a walk , then , ’ he conceded in a sulky voice .
4 ‘ Probably I 'll go for a pint with my mates , ’ he replies .
5 I think I 'll go for a W-A-L-K. ( spelling the word letter by letter in front of a dog )
6 ‘ I think I 'll go for a walk , ’ she said .
7 He said : ‘ I wo n't stay for a shower , I 'll go for a swim instead . ’
8 ‘ Whatever Sara might or might not have done , I think I 'll go for a walk . ’
9 ‘ No , I think I 'll go for a short walk along the seafront .
10 I 'll go for a PGL victory tomorrow , while down at Carrick it would be foolish to oppose the NIBA .
11 Er , I 'll go for a dog .
12 I 'll go for a tied up cat .
13 But I live in Witney , so I 'll go for a draw on that one , even though it 's rugby .
14 I thought , if I could go for a hybrid of these two , and get comedians to come in and sit with deadpan expressions , I might have something interesting on my hands .
15 The idea was that I 'd go for a fortnight but when I got there she gave me the bum 's rush so I spent a couple of miserable days in France and then hared it back to England .
16 I 'd go for a night out and I 'd be praying they did n't take off my trousers .
17 Even money , I 'd go for a nice simple runaway wife or daughter . ’
18 ‘ If I wanted to wade around in shit I 'd go for a walk down a sewer .
19 No , I do n't think I 'd go for a house that erm I would n't but those big houses of course it would have alarms would n't it ?
20 ‘ I thought I 'd go for a quick swim before breakfast , ’ she told them , deeply grateful that there was no sign of Guido .
21 If it was an ‘ either or ’ situation , I would go for a winch as it could be used for other jobs such as moving fallen trees or recovering other vehicles etc .
22 I would go for a newspaper and poster campaign .
23 Oh I shall go for a quick B H.
24 In future I will go for a rousing chorus of ‘ Absolutely , Cheerio , Cheery-bung , Bottoms up , Chin-chin , and a touch of the Pip-pips to you too . ’
25 Or I can go for a brand new what I 've had before , you know not the special edition
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