Example sentences of "i shall [vb infin] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I shall ascribe it to an imaginary person whom I shall call the attitudinist .
2 I believe it should n't be too warm , I shall leave you to open it .
3 I shall leave you to it .
4 But now I shall leave you with one final anecdote which impinges on both issues of morale and moral fibre .
5 But , what , insist on , on left hand especially the little finger being really firm , so I shall leave you with that , that piece
6 In the meantime , I am always obedient to the Whips , so I shall leave it at that .
7 Chairman I shall leave it to others on this site to make the case if they wish er , against the recommendations .
8 If he does not do so , I shall draw them to his attention .
9 I shall land it on the scrub , ’ said the Thing .
10 In his April review AB , while remaining loyal to the Walter and Klemperer versions , summed it up as ‘ the most compelling and most spontaneous of performances recorded in the past few years , and I shall want it by my for the sheer beauty of the sound , often in that respect surpassing any other version ’ .
11 I shall wear it at Marge 's .
12 I shall expect you to be there promptly , with a selection of shoes .
13 I shall expect you in the morning . ’
14 I shall do it by the dollop like I always do . ’
15 I shall detain them with my Mariner 's ancient , emaciated claw and give them the full works .
16 If there is any more of this I shall weport you to the headmaster . ’
17 When there is time , she thought , I shall burn them in the kitchen fire .
18 I shall collect him at the end of the day .
19 I shall hold you in them forever , meu amor , ’ he assured her .
20 ‘ And the moment I feel you need proper psychiatric help I shall enlist it for you , believe me .
21 I shall bring her with me on Wednesday , trust me . ’
22 I shall send it by registered post . ’
23 And I shall tell him about the journalism , too , for I want to go on writing , and I want nothing false and wrong to lie between us .
24 Just to cheer you up , I shall tell you about my journey home from the BBC .
25 One day perchance I shall tell you of it .
26 I was — why should I be modest — undoubtedly the most beautiful , the most renowned , the most desirable woman with whom he ever slept ( if I had any rival , it was only a strange beast I shall tell you of later ) .
27 I shall shout it to the world , if I have to ! ’
28 Until you enlighten me , and perhaps even after that , I shall regard you as some kind of spirit . ’
29 I shall acquaint you with my decision in due course ! ’
30 I shall give him to the Geimhreadh to play with for a few nights , ’ he said .
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