Example sentences of "i will send [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In a couple of weeks I 'll send her on a vacation .
2 ‘ I will see her , and if it 's Sally-Anne , which I suspect it might be , and not someone masquerading as her for some God-forsaken reason , I 'll send her to you .
3 If this is okay with you I 'll send them to SBP to be put on to tape .
4 that he just received them like , about half an hour before Mike rang up , so he said I 've got to get me secretary to type them out and then we , I 'll send them to you and we 've got to sign 'em , then what happens from there ?
5 The first goddamn pilot I see sitting on his ass , I 'll send him to Corps to shoot a general . ’
6 If it comes down shut , I 'll send it to Boldwood . ’
7 If you want it I 'll send it to you .
8 You can get it by post at three pounds fifty by post , send a cheque or postal order made payable to the B B C for three pounds fifty , we 'll sent it b , I 'll send it by post to you and send it to Afternoon Special , , Derby , Leicester , Lincoln or Nottingham if you want the Good Old Days Quiz Book by post .
9 I must have said that several times already because Ma fixed me with a glittering stare and exclaimed , ‘ If you say that word once more , Andrew , just once more , I 'll send you to the Science Museum again … with Annabel . ’
10 So I 'll send you to the hospital .
11 be seen to at the eye hospital , Sir John said in January I 'll send you to Altrincham because they have a specialist , go to the , like they have one go to the Cottage , each , a different like a skin one day , summat , so like you 're there and you 're not traipsing for the eye hospital
12 I 'll send you round her house , I know where she lives
13 if you , even if you just go in a shop and ask for something , I tell you what I 'll send you in butchers with it , for one or two bits and
14 Yeah , I 'll send you in the butchers
15 Then I will send them to the plane .
16 I tell you the truth : it is to your advantage that I go away ; for if I do not go away , the Paraclete will not come to you ; but if I go , I will send him to you .
17 But if I go , I will send him to you .
18 ‘ Gould has just issued a prospectus and as soon as I have one I will send it to you , announcing a work on English birds … his conceit leads him beyond common sense. ,
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