Example sentences of "i have heard [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd heard him for a bit by then .
2 I had heard it in barrack rooms and Officers ' Messes all over England .
3 I had heard it in the evenings at the school , and at first thought it made by some moronic village boy .
4 I 've heard her at Christmas time .
5 I says I want to listen to it , you know , I said I 've heard it with C D going through it with about four sets of speakers , but I want to listen to it through eight sets of speakers with cassette , a cassette that I like to make sure , to my type , he says I guarantee you now you will like it , he says you will like he says , he says we do a ten day er return thing , he says you buy something , he says you bring it back within ten days undamaged we 'll give you money back if you do n't like the quality of the sound , for whatever reason we 'll give you your money back .
6 You 've all heard that and I 've heard it for about thirty years now .
7 I 've heard in fac er in my factory , I 've heard it in other places , right , when a temporary l temporary or casual worker goes down the road , or a part-timer work 's cut short , ah it 's only a casual and he only expected to be here for a few weeks .
8 I 've heard it from his own mouth , Ari , ’ Roirbak said gently .
9 And I 've heard it from a whole bunch of people , she says stuff , she actually tells people I 'm on heroin all the time .
10 I 've heard it from various sources , but I do n't think it 's true .
11 I 've heard you on the subject before . ’
12 Still , I liked him , and I have heard him on television once or twice .
13 And Goldberg , in his pad : I have never said or written any of the sentiments attributed to me here , though I have heard them from the mouths and read them from the pens of others .
14 You know where I have heard it from , it 's from work , because er they do , they do lengths and stuff and
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