Example sentences of "i have to take [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So it just means I got ta , do I have to take the thing in with me ?
2 I had to take a message to these ’ — she almost said gentlemen — ‘ to Mrs Felton about her youngest son ; he 's in hospital . ’
3 I was told I would have to have another operation a month later , but first I had to take a course of male hormones called Danazol .
4 ‘ I was so sick , I had to take a day off .
5 that was at four o'clock , I had to take a tablet .
6 Some of it got into the car and irritated my eyes : I had to take a hand off the steering wheel to rub them and it was almost wrenched out of my grasp as the car lurched into a hole in the road .
7 It was only a four-seater plane , though , and in the end there was n't enough room for me , so I had to take a bus from Birmingham up to Dundee .
8 I had to take a breather and a hoarse croak escaped me .
9 I said I would , but I would n't see him for a couple of days because I had to take a train .
10 I had to take a lot of oddments as well , like the marble .
11 As he says in his autobiography , ‘ I had to take every race as it came and just try to win it because whatever happened to Niki — and the Ferrari was not relevant to me at that point .
12 So I had to take an eye test , I remember .
13 That is why I had to take the call .
14 After the breakfast things had been washed up I had to take the milk separator to bits and wash each part and dry them in front of the fire and then put them together again ready for the night 's milking .
15 I have to take a shower .
16 I have to take a shower before dinner ! ’
17 I can show you hawthorn , beech , oak , ash , elderberry and sycamore ; after that I have to take a leaf home and look it up in a book .
18 She 'd been elected to the National Executive Committee and she stood up , said how pleased she was , and then said , ‘ But now I have to take the bucket round for a collection because that 's what I always do … ’ and I just thought , ‘ How wonderful ’ .
19 I have to take the rough with the smooth ’ McCallen said .
20 Yes , yeah , cos now , that , see she 's not here really for , for me to come and pay her so I have to take the money down to her house now .
21 I have to take the train down there
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