Example sentences of "i [verb] grown [adv prt] with " in BNC.

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1 The problems of Russia suddenly became topical two years ago at school , and although I 'd grown up with a faint mistrust of ‘ Commies ’ , in 1988 I started writing to Murat , a young Russian .
2 The attitudes and assumptions I 'd grown up with had been razed to the ground , and a bold new society had risen in their place , a free-enterprise , demand-driven , flaunt-it-and-fuck-you society , dedicated to excellence and achievement .
3 And more than that , I 'd grown up with divorced parents and I do think kids need a mother and a father . ’
4 And now I had a lovely fellow I 'd grown up with in the same village , the same sort of background , we 'd known each other since we were eleven , twelve ,
5 I realised writing How Far Can You Go ? how little of the conceptual faith I had grown up with I still retained … ’
6 I had grown up with class but it was a shifting , unstable , changing force and you fancied across it regardless , for the world was open .
7 After all , I had grown up with her and Hindley .
8 I 've grown up with this type of regime .
9 ‘ I 've lived here all my life , Mr Wycliffe , and I 've grown up with such tales ; nobody takes them seriously . ’
10 As I watched them , I thought about all the crazy things the people I 've grown up with believe and do .
11 But I 've grown up with David , or , should I say , I grew up idolising him .
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