Example sentences of "it be hoped that [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It 's hoped that up to four hundred civilian staff will be offered new employment when an airbase closes next year .
2 It 's hoped that eventually motorists will take heed of these messages and learn to kill their speed not a child .
3 The top grades of the new qualifications are worth two conventional A-Levels , and it 's hoped that as many as half of all sixth formers will soon be studying for them .
4 It 's hoped that around £10,000 will be raised for two local charities which help the homeless ; the Lincoln YMCA and The Nomad Trust .
5 It is hoped that shortly the Boroughs will also embark upon joint booklists .
6 It is hoped that both this trophy , and the unique race for which it is awarded , continue to appear every third Thursday in March .
7 In view of this generous gesture it is hoped that both local and visiting climbers will treat this venue with the respect due to a Site of Special Scientific Interest and a first class example of sandstone rock .
8 Course centres will be introducing the new scheme this autumn and it is hoped that even more students will be encouraged to work towards a Machine Knitting qualification .
9 It is hoped that even more nursery places for the county 's three and four-year-olds will be provided soon .
10 It is hoped that over £100,000 will be raised for Enterprise Neptune in this way .
11 It is hoped that initially the client will experience some anxiety with each target and learn to cope with this effectively , but that over five attempts of this target this anxiety will drop to a minimum .
12 It is hoped that once building work at Manor Farm has been completed , there will be a considerable reduction in the amount of traffic along the Brook .
13 Sandy will personally thank , by letter , every golfer who raises more than £10. it is hoped that more than £12 million can be raised to establish a new centre for the research and treatment of childhood leukaemia .
14 It is hoped that more than 15,000 balloons will be released from the park and four other locations .
15 It is hoped that as many as 90 per cent of all school children will take part .
16 It was agreed that the official opening of the museum take place at 2.30 p.m. on Saturday 24th October 1992 — when it is hoped that as many members as possible will attend .
17 Courses in Accountancy and European and Human Rights Law are being set up and it is hoped that as many pupils as possible will attend them , but for economic reasons it has been decided not to make them compulsory this year .
18 It is hoped that as many people as possible can be there on the day .
19 It was hoped that over £100,000 would have been raised through the day 's efforts .
20 It was hoped that soon the lines to the Don basin and Nizhnii Novgorod would be electrified , followed quickly by the whole of the Siberian network .
21 At the time it was hoped that eventually it would be possible to refine the quantitative distinctions between the performance of men and machines so that allocation of function decisions would be unambiguous ( Wuffeck and Zeitlin , 1962 ) , but this has not happened .
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