Example sentences of "it [vb mod] [not/n't] [be] allowed " in BNC.

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1 But it should n't be allowed , the hammerin' . ’
2 It should n't be allowed . "
3 He says that it should n't be allowed .
4 Oh it should n't be allowed and director ca n't walk through the company .
5 However , it should not be allowed complete freedom to rule , since it can overwhelm and destroy .
6 However , it should not be allowed to continue making a nuisance of itself by jumping up at a visitor while they are sitting down .
7 It was laid down in the 1991 Duopoly Review that it should not be allowed to offer entertainment until at least 1997 , when the situation will again be reviewed , and possibly for another three years after that .
8 If their own heart is breaking it should not be allowed to show .
9 The dispute between the volunteer and the professional is likely to continue but it should not be allowed to obscure the fact that the skills of the good adviser are not necessarily professional skills , nor are they especially lawyerly skills .
10 If it is in fact a notional surplus , then why is the employer allowed to take money out of that notional surplus , he 's taking real money out of from a notional surplus , it should not be allowed .
11 Lloyd 's has put forward a constructive plan ; it must not be allowed to flounder on rate .
12 It must not be allowed to happen to anyone else .
13 Because it is pathological it must not be allowed to appear in public in its own form .
14 The courts are unwilling to adjourn a petition more than once since it must not be allowed to hang over the debtor 's head indefinitely .
15 Yes , Euro Cities is an organisation of Brussels but it must not be allowed to dominate the proceedings and massage and manage the cities .
16 Furthermore , its spire could not exceed thirty feet — it could not be allowed to dominate the Protestant church at the northern entrance to Carewstown .
17 It could not be allowed to represent the nation in arms .
18 Well , it could n't be allowed to continue .
19 You may care to consider the best way of achieving this , as it ca n't be allowed to continue .
20 It would not be allowed to pick and choose for long .
21 It would not be allowed
22 If the company had been solvent and considering a civil action against the Bank , it would not be allowed to take pretrial depositions from those who may have participated in the fraud .
23 The government of Taiwan announced on May 11 that the vessel was free to dock in the country but that it would not be allowed to return if it violated international law by making unauthorized broadcasts to the mainland .
24 That wildfire feeling might have got a hold a month back , but it would not be allowed to do so again .
25 It will not be allowed in communal rest areas and work areas . ’
26 It can not be allowed to drift into complacency .
27 The position I have tried to adopt is that whilst the atheist must demand clarity , the theist can argue that the nature of his or her task necessitates a use of language that is bound to be criticised as unusual , although it can not be allowed to be contradictory .
28 It can not be allowed to go on , and with your help perhaps it wo n't .
29 It can not be allowed to happen .
30 Because the problem program is under the control of the supervisor , it can not be allowed unrestricted access to all the facilities provided by the computer .
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